Chapter 61 : Farewell

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Zelda's POV.

« Link ?! », I exclaimed. « Outch... by Hylia, my head hurt so bad. »

« Are you okay ? », he asked. « There's a bottle of water and a medicine on the nightstand. Take them. »

I sat up and started to feel extremely nauseous, my stomach was aching, the world was reeling around me and I could feel my heart beating in my painful head, making me feel even worse. I took many deep breaths, trying to calm me down, trying to feel a bit better in my body and mind but it didn't help at all.

« I think I'm going to throw up. », I said in a hoarse voice.

« Shit ! Take this ! », he said, immediately giving me a bucket and holding my hair in his right hand while he was rubbing my back with his left one. « That's fine Zel, you just drank too much yesterday. »

« I'm so sorry. I will clean it, have a shower, and brush my teeth before we can talk about yesterday. », I said, trying to stood up but the floor was moving under my steps and Link quickly held me, avoiding me to fall.

« For first you drink this bottle of water and you take this pill. After that I will help you to go to the bathroom, alright ? »

I quickly swallowed the little white pill while I nodded, still wondering what I'd done with him yesterday, and the fact that he was in a good mood this morning after I left him all alone in the locker-room worried me a lot.

I was pretty sure that I didn't hook up with him yesterday but the fact that my bra was laying on the floor made me doubt. I was uncomfortable about showing my body to him and I was sure that I would never had done it on my own, but I was also convinced that he wouldn't have abused me yesterday.

But I was also sure that he would never have hurt me, and he did.

I let him leading me to the bathroom, and he told me that he'll be downstairs and that I'll just have to call him if I had a problem. I nodded and closed the door behind me, ready to clean the bucket and my dirty body.

The hot water helped me to feel better, my muscles were aching and, after I threw up, the pain in my stomach vanished. My head was still painful but the pill was already easing the pain and I tried to recover my blurry memories under the steaming water. But the last thing I remembered was when I danced with Impa, after I played with her that drinking game.

How did I end up here ?

I cut the water, brushed my teeth and wore a jogging before I went back to his room. His room, our room ? I didn't know. I was completely lost because I remembered how heartbroken I was yesterday and waking up in his bed, seeing him attentive to me confused me a lot.

I have to talk to him. I have to find out what did I do yesterday.

Link was there, sitting on his bed, a tray full of food in front of him, making my stomach growl. If my body truly wanted to eat something, my mind avoided me to do so. It disgusted me, to be honest, too stressed out to swallow something he prepared.

« Hey. Feeling better ? »

« Yes. », I said, sitting in front of him.

« You should eat something, I'm pretty sure your last meal was yesterday's lunch and you just threw up »

« I'm not really hungry. »

« It wasn't a question. Your hands are shaking and your extremely pale, and I don't want you faint because of hypoglycemia. »

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