Chapter 89 : Our secret paradise

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I started shivering in his arms, even if that extraordinary kiss in that more extraordinary place should have heated me up. His thumb swiped the tears of joy running down my cheeks.

Everything is perfect. Even the moon is jealous of our radiant love.

« You're cold... I think that the right time to show you where we're going to spend the night. », he said with a bright smile.

« Won't we stay here ? », I asked, a bit disappointed.

« Not outside. », he chuckled, before pointing something behind me. « But there. »

I was speechless. Here, in front of me was standing a tiny cabin, illuminated by some spots. It was made of wood, and judging by its shape and the columns supporting the roof all around the house, it seemed like the architect truly wanted to respect the foundations. But the two large bay windows and the light spots under the roof added a modern touch to that beautiful house.

He gently took my hand, leading me inside while I didn't say any words, too surprised and happy to say something. And it clearly reached another level inside.

We were directly in the living room as soon as we entered the house, and I let the warmth of that really cute place heating me up. That wasn't a very spacious place, but the grey couch in front of the wood burner with the adorable white capret between the couch and a cute wooden bookshelf gave a very cosy ambiance. Next to it was proudly standing a tiny wooden table with four chairs, some candles slowly burning on it.

« Did you... rent that house ? », I asked.

« I didn't rent it. », he said, scratching the back of his neck. « I kinda... bought it. »

« You did what ? »

« I bought that house. », he said with a smile.

« Are you crazy ? Link this is - »

« It was a ruin when I made a deal. I'm pretty sure your blue dress was more expensive than this house, you know ? »

« But... how did it come to this ? », I asked, showing him the place with my arms.

« Good contacts, and good friends. », he chuckled. « Come here, have a seat, honey. »

« You really have to explain me everything. », I said, still looking at the exposed beam or the beautiful lamp next to me.

He took my coat, and put it in a little wardrobe with his.

« I will, but first : Happy Valentine's Day, princess. », he smiled, giving me a glass of pink champagne. « Tchin-tchin ! »

« Cheers ! »

We drank our first sip eyes in eyes, and felt the sparkling drink fizzing in my mouth. I'd never drunk that kind of alcohol and, yes, I really liked that bitter but also fruity taste and the little bubbles exploding in my mouth was the light twist that liquor needed to be perfect.

« So, Mr. Farore, will you tell me how did you get that house ? », I asked with a teasing smile.

« What a curious little Princess. », he laughed. « Alright, so... I kinda noticed that... ruin when we first went there. I really tried to keep it out of my mind but your bright eyes and big smile when you were here were stuck in my head so I made an offer during november. And they told me they accepted when I was in Los Angeles. »

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