Chapter 96 : I will leave you alone

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Nothing could be more painful than it. Nothing could be more painful than my broken heart. Nothing could be more painful than the thought of him in the operation room, struggling to stay alive. Nothing could be more painful than the idea of a life without him.

'I hope I'll go to Heaven, so I'll see you once again.'

Here, in the restroom of the hospital, all alone, I couldn't help thinking about one thing. Him.

Because he was the reason why my heart was beating. He was the reason why I chose to see how life could be beautiful despite all the trials I lived. He was the reason why I changed that much. He was the one who taught me how to love, and how to feel loved.

Being loved.

Something I couldn't even imagine. Me, the failure who didn't deserve someone else's affection, had been loved by the most praised man of the world. Loved by the Hylian Champion.

But, for him, I was the most wonderful person on earth. He helped me to gain self confidence. He helped me to see myself in an other way than the one I always did. He helped me to see the light when I was stuck in the darkness.

I lifted my head up, and had a look at the miror in front of me.

It's not me. It can't be me.

My face was white as sheet, only the red stains of his blood and the dark circles under my eyes added color on it. On my cheeks, my forehead, my lips, my ears, my hair. And both of my hands.

My eyes were red, glassy, emotionless while I had gawn features. My hair– not only covered by his blood – were also tingled and tousled, and one of my braid was lazily dangling above my shoulder.

I was a ghost. A white lady. Those same ones who were wearing white dresses and had other ones' blood on their hand. Because that was what I was right now. A girl, wearing a white dress covered by his own blood.

You look like a serial killer.

And I bursted into tears again. Because I couldn't help but think about that time during Valentine's day when I told him being anonymous made me feel like a serial killer. Which made him laugh so much. This laugh I didn't know I would hear ever again.

How am I supposed to survive if you're not there ?

I closed my eyes, gripping the sink, crying my eyes out. But it was a waste of time and I hardly fell on my knees, hitting the cold floor, and, as terrible as it seemed, the vivid pain in my legs was nothing compared than the void he left in my chest.

I screamed as loud as I could, hoping the world and goddesses could hear my pleads and let him live a bit longer with me. My tears were running along my cheeks , untamable, and I didn't even try to wipe them. Because it was a waste of time. Because I knew they won't stop shedding until the doctors told me he was alive.

So, I kept my eyes closed, and expressed my infinite sadness by my screams and tears. And just like every time I closed my eyes, I saw his face. His beautiful face.

His smile, his dimples when he wanted to stay serious even if he wanted to laugh, his perfect white teeth, his straight nose, his long and blond hair, and of course, his mesmerizing eyes.

'I started to live the day I met your eyes.'

And he gave meaning to my life. A sad, desperate and torturous life that became bright, sweet and heavenly. Everything became crystal clear. Everything became wonderful.

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