Chapter 77 : Northern lights

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I hardly opened my eyes this morning. I didn't realise how tired I was during those past days, always occupied by so many things at Link's house, and more than everything after that 10 hours trip from Hateno to Hebra.

Next to me, Link was looking at his phone, nonchalantly caressing my hair. He was still wearing his pajama but his wet hair indicated me he already tried the fitness room. Behind him, I could see the beautiful summits covered by a pure white snow cover, bathed in the white light of this morning.

What a picture.

I was in bed with my boyfriend, in a cabin on the top of one of the most beautiful summit of the world without anyone around us. Was I really awake ?

« Hey, Sleeping Beauty. », he said, kissing the top of my head as soon as he saw me awake.

« Hey, did you sleep well ? »

« Of course I did. That bed's so comfortable, seriously I thought I was in Heaven. And most of all you were here with me. What about you ? »

« Perfectly fine. », I said, burrying my head in his chest. « Don't tell me you woke up at 5AM ? »

« Nah, I slept in. I woke up at 9. »

« I wouldn't call that a lie-in. »

« 11AM is a lie-in ? »

« I think so. What time is it ? »

« Nearly midday. You were pretty tired, Princess. You didn't even talk in your sleep. », he chuckled.

« Don't mock me ! I can't control it ! », I complained, slowly hitting his chest with my fist.

« Mocking you ? No, Zel, you already know I find it absolutely adorable. Even more knowing you kinda always say my name or 'I love you'. »

I felt so ashamed and my face fastly flushed. And of course seeing me like that made him laugh even more.

« It's not fair. I'd never heard you talking in your sleep. », I pouted.

« That's just because you're a heavy sleeper. »

« Or because your too silent. »

« You prefer guys who loudly snore every nights ? »

« Well... regarding how noisy Bozai is, I don't think so. », I chuckled, and my stomach growled at this exact moment.

« Talking about noise... », he bursted into laughter. « I went to a bakery this morning and I bought croissants and pains au chocolat for breakfast, but I can make an omelet and some veggies to do a brunch ? What do you think of it ? »

« Sounds lovely ! »

And yes, it was.

This brunch was absolutely delightful between the croissants, omelet, vegetables, toasts and fruits. A warm tea and a tonic orange juice completed the menu, and, as soon as we got dressed, we chosed to explore a bit the little town where we could see the lights yesterday.

Biron Snowshelf.

It was an adorable ski station with many ski trails for every kind of skiers – from the beginners like me to the most talented ones like Link –, many coffee shops at the end of the pists and the little village strictly speaking. All the houses were made of wood, well decorated with many garlands and Christmas decorations and I was wondering how it could look at night when everything was turned on.

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