Chapter 76 : Just the two of us

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The moon was still high in the sky while Link and I were putting our luggage and opened-gifts in the trunk of my car. All of his family were awake to say goodbye and to wish us a nice trip, but still at home for the moment.

I couldn't believe we were already leaving this house. I couldn't believe it was the last time we woke up at 5AM to take care of the horses and the chickens. I couldn't believe we won't see them before a very long time and this thought broke my heart. But if I was sad, I couldn't imagine how Link was feeling.

« And... done ! », he said, closing the trunk's door. « We're making a good team, honey ! »

« Indeed ! », I said, high-fiving him.

« Do you want one last coffee before leaving ? It's not 6AM already so we still have time. »

« Yes, of course. »

He softly took my hand and led me to his house. Cinna immediately offered us a hot cup of coffee, while Aryll was nearly sleeping on the couch, next to her father and grandmother who were talking about some random subjects, such as the weather in Lurelin or if her neighbor came to her house to water the plants.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I was surprised to see an Instagram notification telling me 'aryll.frr followed you'. I saw her looking at me with a smile, her big glasses on her nose, shaking her phone and I immediately followed her back.

« Keep in touch ! », she loudly said, not moving from her couch.

« Of course ! »

« Are you ready to go, Princess ? », Link kindly asked and I nodded.

« Thank you for the coffee, I think we'll need it. », I chuckled while Cinna took the mug and placed it in the sink.

« You're welcome. Do you have everything you want ? »

« I think, we do. », I said, looking at Link who was approving.

« Well, I think it's time for us to leave. », Link started, making everyone coming towards us next to the main door. « Thank you for everything. »

« Thank you for your hospitality and kindness. », I said. « I spent a lovely stay here, truly. »

« It was a pleasure to have you two at home. », Arn said, shaking my hands before tousling his son's hair. « And you, don't forget to call sometimes, okay ? »

« Yes dad. Love you. », he chuckled.

« It was an honor for me to meet a Bosphoramus, and I hope we'll meet again soon. », Mrs. Farore said, nearly bowing while I felt a bit awkward, even if I knew it was just a sign of respect.

« All my pleasure, Mrs. Farore. », I said, holding her hands.

« I'm glad we met, and if you want to come back one day, it will be with great pleasure. », Cinna said. « And Link, you text us when you'll arrive to Hebra, okay ? »

« Oh mum, please ! », he said, rolling his eyes, making his parents laugh a lot.

« Oh Zel I'm so sad you're already leaving ! », Aryll said, holding me in her arms. « Seriously I can't wait to start college to see you every day ! »

« Me too ! », I responded, holding her tightly.

« Oh please, I don't want to see your annoying face every single day of my life. », Link complained before bursting into laughter with his sister. « Thank you again for everything. »

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