Chapter 64 : I've never stopped loving you

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He was there.

He was in our room, sitting on his bed, his eyes on mine. Those blue eyes I missed so much, those blue eyes I loved sinking into, those blue eyes that made me cry all nights long.

I felt my heart stopping, I felt my heart breaking again and melting at the same time. And I was unable to move, I was unable to think, I was unable to even breathe because I was too surprised, too nervous and, for some reasons, too scared to see him here.

He should've come back tomorrow, not now. Why ? Maybe he will tell me he will leave me ? Maybe he is with her ? Maybe... ?

He kept looking at me in the eyes while he stood up. I wasn't able to understand what were his deepest thoughts and I ended up even more nervous.

What if he was about to pack his bag and leave me again ? What if he was about to pack my things and throw me away ? What if, during this never-ending week, we both finally came to a conclusion but not the same one ?

I wanted to stay with him. I wanted to scream how bad I was in love with him. I wanted to burst into tears and jump in his arms. I wanted him to hold me as strong as he could. But he kept walking slowly, looking at me as if I was a sort of wild animal ready to bite him.

Can't you feel my love ?

I was about to shed tears again when he finally did what I wanted so bad. When he finally did what I was craving for all week long. When he was finally holding me in his arms.

That was... magical. Neither him, nor I, was talking, as our bodies were talking for us. The way his arms were around me, softly caressing my back while mine were gripping his hoodie, they way I burried my face in his chest, the way he kissed the top of my head tenderly. I really thought I could fall on the floor if he wasn't supporting me, but he avoided me to do so.

The same way you always protected me.

« I missed you so much ! », I cried, after long minutes of that sweet reunion. « It was horrible here without you ! »

« I missed you too, Princess. Seriously you can't even imagine how much I missed you ! », he whispered, and I heard his voice shaking. « I couldn't stay one more minute away from you, so I took the first plane after my last duel. »

« Did you win your championship ? », I asked against his chest, still sobbing.

« I did. I told you your sweater would be my lucky charm. », he chuckled, rubbing my back.

« I didn't know you took it with you. I thought you wanted to keep me out of your mind. »

« No, I wanted to keep you close to me. », he said, lifting up my chin.

His sweet lips finally met mine, and I savoured this kiss. This kiss I wished so long.

His thumbs were caressing my cheeks and only Hylia knew how deeply I loved when he did it, only Hylia knew how much I missed it, how much I miss the sweet touch of his lips on mine, the sweet touch of his hands on my skin, his deep love for me.

« I've never stopped loving you. », he whispered against my lips, and I felt my heart melting in my chest.

I lifted my hands to grab his hair, to push against the back of his head to get him closer to me. I didn't want to feel any atom between us, I didn't want to feel this fresh air freezing me the way it did this week when I was desperately missing his warmth. I just wanted to feel him, his radiating heat against my frozen body.

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