Chapter 32 : Frat boys

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The party was nearly over when we came back in the frat house. The few students still here were either completely drunk heading to their dorms, either sleeping on the couch with a basin next to them.

Their eyes were sometimes looking at us but I didn't seem they really recognized us. Well, I hoped they wouldn't remember us anyway.

I only saw Revali, kicking out the sleepy ones, while the others were probably already in their room. He waved at us while a boy was throwing up in the basin making him sigh and roll his eyes.

Link immediately told me he will help Revali with the students.

I found it so adorable from him to offer his help, but when I asked them if they wanted my help too, they both said I could go to Link's room. Well, Link said it in the most gentle possible way while Revali didn't really want to see me around him. Whatever, I had time to discreetly grab my bag in my car before going in his room, which was pretty pleasurable.

I put my bag between his desk and bed and patiently waited five more minutes before he finally showed up. He locked the door behind him and put the helmets and jackets in his wardrobe before he hugged meand led me towards his bed.

I didn't want to tell him I was going to grab my bag. He has to invite me, and not the contrary ! That's his home after all !

He slowly kissed me, playing with my hair in my back while my hands were holding his strong shoulders. I felt his muscles moving under my hands and I couldn't help caressing his back. And I felt my heart melting in my chest when I sensed his smile against my lips.

I don't want that night to come to an end.

He broke the kiss, and looked at me with a tender smile, his thumb slowly caressing my cheek. I immediately put my hand on his and let my face rest in his hand.

« I'm so lucky. », he whispered in my ear, giving me goosebumps.

His lips found the top of my head, making me blush like a fool. How on earth someone could be that attentive, that caring, that sweet with me ? That was crazy !

« I am the luckiest. »

The house finally became silent when Revali chased the last drunk student and turned the music off. Well, that wasn't really quiet in fact, as we could hear someone sobbing.

I didn't know we could hear our neighbors that well.

And I immediately got nervous. What if Mipha and Paya heard what I said to Impa ? What if Bozai heard Link and I while we were laughing and kissing ? That was so shameful !

« I suppose Bozai's date turned him down. », Link said, cutting my thoughts.

« I'm sure he didn't follow my great advise. », I mumbled.

« Great advise from a well-experienced girl. »

« Hey ! I'm a girl so I know what girls like. »

« A slow under the moonlight ? »

« No, that's just me. », I said as I take a pillow and threw him to his face.

« So, you've chosen death. », he said in a threatening tone.

I tried to stood up but he caught me by my waist and pulled me back. And I fell on the bed, again, for his greatest pleasure.

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