Chapter 95 : Please, don't die

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TW : violence, blood, death, sexual violence. If you're easily distrub, don't read this chapter.

His grip tightened around my shoulders, and I felt his muscles getting tensed under my hands. He held me close to him, soflty pushing me behind him.

Please no. Not now. Not after the too many fights he had tonight. He can't handle another one !

« We're going to go back, alright ? And we will find another way to go to your car. », he whispered.

I nodded, holding him as strong as I could.

I had to admit : I was scared. I was scared because the man that hated him most was here. And we both knew why he was in this street. But the first thing that came to my mind was : 'How did he know we were there ?'

Link pretended to stay calm, but his body language didn't lie. His touch didn't lie. His fast and heavy breath didn't lie. His eyes looking around us didn't lie.

He was thinking as fast as he could, wondering how could we avoid that man, how could we hide in those narrow streets, considering that all the buildings around us were abandoned, or private house where we couldn't stay safe.

We didn't have time to turn back before we heard him walking behind us.

I don't like it. Hylia, help us !

Link pushed against my back, telling me we had to hurry up. And when the footsteps got louder, he immediately started running, holding my hand in his.

I never ran that fast, which was a miracle considering I was wearing high-heels and I was a clumsy girl. But adrenalin filled my body and I followed Link's lead the best I could.

I didn't know how long did it last. I didn't know I could run that long, I didn't know how it was possible for my heart not to explode. But we couldn't think clear.

I couldn't think clear.

And when we both realised we were stuck in dead-end, Link immediately stood in front of me.

He was nervous, looking at the walls around us, hoping he could find away to exit. But the awful reality slapped us. We were trapped like rats. And the cat was in front of us, his yellow eyes filled with all of his hate were also tinted by... pleasure.

He loves seeing us scared. He wants to have his revenge, and he is about to fulfill his wish.

« So, can we finally have a talk ? », Ganondorf started. « Or are you going to run away again ? »

Link chose not to answer, pressing me against the wall behind me, using his body as a shield.

« I didn't expect your girlfriend to run that fast, to be honest. », he said, slowly approaching us. « Toruma said a lot about her. »

Link's body was fully tensed. His fists were clenched, such as his jaws, ready to jump on him if he dared to approach us.

« The Bosphoramus Princess. Seriously, you have balls to date her. », he emotionlessly laughed. « Considering her father can throw you to jail if you touch her... But... well, knowing what Toruma did to her, I'm not surprised your still at liberty. »

He tilted his head, having a look at me. Detailing me.

« Don't look at her. Don't approach her. Don't even talk about her. », Link threatened him in a cold tone.

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