Chapter 33 : Nightmare

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« Do you really have to go to the library ? », Link pled with a puppy face while I was packing my bag.

« I swear to An I will help him today. »

« What a lucky man... »

I walked towards him, and sat on his laps before kissing him.

« I don't want to go neither, you know ? », I whispered.

« And now that you're sitting that way, I can tell that I won't let you go. », he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

His hands were running along my back, his lips softly kissing mine while I was playing with his hair. I could feel his head moving right and left, savouring that kiss, leading me through that new world I barely knew.

My phone rang on his nightstand, and I saw it was An that asked me where I was. I quickly typed an answer, letting him know that I was on my way, even if that was a lie.

My eyes met his once more, and I saw him looking at me with a smile. A sad smile. He didn't want me to go to the library as he wanted to spend his time with me, but he knew how important my grades were for me.

« Well, maybe you should go. », he said, caressing my cheek with his thumb. « He is waiting for you. »

« I can't wait to see you again. », I said, reluctantly standing up again.

« Me too. »

He stood up and I stayed in his arms for several seconds before kissing him one last time.

He accompanied me downstairs and I waved at him as soon as I started to drive along the alley. It was so heartbreaking, knowing that we'll have to act like two strangers after what happened last night.

But, despite how heartbreaking it could be, I was smiling like a fool, some tears were filling my eyes. I remembered how he held me in his arms under the moonlight, the wonderful music and the way he looked at me. As if I was the most precious thing in this world. As if he was in love with me, a true and pure love.

How I wish to see you right now.

We've just been apart for five minutes and I was already craving for his arms, craving for his heat, craving for his sweet lips, craving for his soft words. I didn't know I could've felt something like that for someone, and I would've never imagined I would have reacted that way with a boy. As if he was the drug I needed to survive.

As soon as I parked my car, I took my phone and sent him a little message, of course. He immediately replied, telling me that he was already missing me and that he will come later at the library.

I smiled at my phone and  opened my gallery. There was many pictures of us together, smiling, laughing, kissing. I choosed one of the pics we took yesterday at Mount Daphnes as my new wallpaper. It was a bit blurry and the light wasn't really good but it reminded me that extraordinary moment. Link was kissing my cheek, his hand on mine while I was laughing, my free hand in his hair. It was a cute picture even if we were barely recognizable.

Seeing you makes me happy, and no one except us could recognize us. That secret is well-kept.

I was walking to the library when An joined me, greeting me with a huge smile.

« Hey Beauty ! How are you ? »

« Hey, fine and you ? »

« Still a bit hangovered, I totally messed up yesterday. Teba's party are always dope ! Seriously, you should come one day, there's always soft drinks for people like you. »

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