Chapter 47 : Family

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The days went by this week, looking alike : I had a nightmare during the night, Link reassured me, we barely saw each other during the day, I watched his trainings and we finally fell asleep together.

We were already on saturday. If this week started pretty badly, I could tell it ended in a nice way.

After his training on tuesday, nearly all the students stopped calling me with birds names and stopped spreading awful rumors even if Meadela was still mad at me. Happily, I didn't cross her path this week, not knowing if I could handle another humiliation.

I told Link about what Mipha said to me and he totally understood the urge to tell her about us. He admitted he had doubts about her friendly feelings, finding her a bit strange those past years but he seemed very surprised when I told him how deep was her love for him, hiding the fact that she had a picture of him in his bag, of course.

The dorm was so much quieter now that I bought their food, not hearing them arguing about who drank Link's orange juice or who ate the last toast. And, living with four athletes and a woman, I could tell that I had to go to the grocery store already twice this week. And maybe I was already paying more than their rents.

But that was pretty fair. I was living here even if it wasn't allowed if you don't declare it to the school – what Teba and Saki did, which explained why they had the biggest room and largest bed of the house.

Speaking of them, they totally accepted me, especially Revali who was now joking with me sometimes, always writing 'truffles' or 'caviar' on the list while I called him 'Rev' - which he hated. Saki was so happy to have a girl with whom she could talk about girls' things instead of the boys' sports or their video games. And she kept telling that the house was so much quieter now I was there.

The only dark cloud in this bright sky was my last lecture with Pr.Blight.

Due to my insult against him and the whole class, he took me twenty points as a punishment. Fortunately, he didn't do anything to Paya. I was sure that I would've never forgiven myself if she'd lost some points because of me.

Well, I still had 80 and thanks to my extra-credits I was still 4.0. But I was so angry about that and I found it really unfair. Happily Link calmed me down as soon à I came back to the dorms, telling me how Pr.Blight was 'a stupid asshole', as he said.

But today seemed to be a good day. Oustide, the sky was blue with white clouds, the air was a bit cold – we were nearly at the end of october – and the trees attired themselves in their bright yellow, red and orange colors.

Link was already training with Revali and Teba, warming them up for their contest during the afternoon, laughing and whistling as they did their exercises in the garden. Sometimes I caught a little 'I thought you were stronger' or 'Look at you, I'm sure Zelda would do it better' – and I admitted, it made me laugh a bit.

I was in the living room with Saki, working on my lectures while she was doing her nails and chatting with Bozai about a girl he wanted to date. She looked at me with despair while Bozai told her what he was about to say to the poor girl, making us burst into laughter.

« Hey ! What makes you laugh like that, my love ? », Teba said, kissing Saki's cheek.

« Just Bozai struggling with a girl. », she chuckled. « Seriously Boz, you can't say that. Give me your phone, I can't let you dig your own grave. »

He mumbled before he gave her his phone. She took a moment to think about the best thing to say, reading the conversation once more before she wrote something and gave the little device back to him, visibly satisfied. Him, however, seemed a bit skeptical.

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