Chapter 78 : Winter things

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I woke up alone this morning, the yellow light of the morning bathed the room while I could sense the nice smell of pancakes.

Link and his amazing breakfasts.

I stretched my fully relaxed body, the thought of yesterday night coming back to my mind. The hot and massaging water, his arm around me, the wonderful starry sky with the moving northern light above the peaks.

The picture that tells the world I was his.

I quickly took my phone, and stared at it in front of the many notifications I just got. And I started feeling worried.

Did he tag me ? Or did someone else tag me in the comments ?

I quickly turned my account into private before I went to my tagged pictures and happily, it wasn't there. So I had a quick look at the picture, and saw  more than 400 000 likes on it.

Wow. Serioulsy, wow.

Most of the comments were nice but of course some creepy girls started wondering who was I, where did I live, and how was that possible that he ended up with me instead of them.

Maybe because you're scary ?

I sighed in relief as I saw it was my friends who just sent some private messages.

Paya and Mipha congratulated me, while Impa told me how beautiful was the picture and how dead he will be if he dared to do shit again. The boys created a group chat called 'The fart house' – and yes, the mistakes was fully deliberated – telling Link 'Finally !' before talking a bit about their holidays in their families. But most of the notifications were from Aryll.

'Aaaah !', for first. 'Wtf ?', secondly, 'That picture is amazing !'and 'I'm happy to see you finally arrived to Hebra !' lastly. I thanked her and asked her if her brother sent a text to his family. And of course he forgot.

Link... Link... Link...

Speaking of him, here he came to our bedroom, a trey full of delicious pancakes in hand. Jam, sugar and chocolate spread accompanied it, such as fruits and a delicious tea.

« Morning, Princess ! », he said with a large smile.

« Good morning ! It smells so good, by Hylia, I'm going to gain too much weight during that stay ! », I exclaimed while he was putting the trey on the sheets.

« After what I saw last night, I assure you you have room to maneuver. », he chuckled. « Did you get of the weight you lost back ? »

« Nearly, I think. I'm not fond of scales. », I shrugged, blushing.

« Well, you know, being comfortable in your body is the only thing that matters. », he said, already eating a warm pancake with raspberry jam on it – his favorite flavour.

« For the moment, I think I'm okay with it. »

« Good. », he said, kissing my cheek. « I like your body, you know ? »

« More than the girls you're following on Instagram ? », I asked in a low voice, my face fully red when I realised what I just said.

« What ? »

« The girls you follow on Instagram are far more perfect than me. »

« Well, for first I don't really know who you're talking about because I don't follow that many girls except the ones I already met during contests or my friends, and secondly, of course you are better than them ! », he exclaimed, holding my hands. « By Hylia, Zel ! Don't tell me you compared yourself to those girls ? »

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