Chapter 59 : Formidable, fort minable

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It's not possible. It can't be possible. Not him ! Not with her !

« What ? », I whispered.

« Yes, I know it's a bit... surprising but... yes, we shared a kiss ! I can't be happi- Hey, Zelda, are you okay ? »

Tears were rolling down my cheeks but I didn't make any sound, I didn't even breathe, I didn't even know if my broken heart was still beating. Pain was the only thing I felt at this exact moment. Nothing else. Not Impa's hands on my back, nor Paya's hands on mine. Everything around me had faded into black, not hearing their voices anymore, not seeing them neither.

But I knew I didn't faint because I was still feeling the extreme pain of his treason, I was still feeling the extreme pain of my broken heart, I was still feeling the extreme pain of my fears becoming true. The boy I loved, the boy I lived with, the boy I trusted betrayed me. He kissed someone else, and not only someone else, but one of my friends.

« Zelda, please, talk to us ! », Paya said, now crying with me.

I truly wanted to speak, to scream, to just make a sound, but I had a lump in my throat that avoided me to do all of this, that avoided me to breathe. I was just standing there, looking at her with my teary eyes, not moving, not making a single sound, as if I was a statue. I wasn't thinking clear, my brain kept repeating the same sentence over and over.

'The way he kissed me was amazing.'

He kissed her. He kissed her. He kissed her.

Did he do it the same way he kissed me ? Did he look at her in the eyes before he placed his lips on hers ? Did he caress her cheeks with his thumbs while his head was moving right and left, over and over ? Did he play with her white hair while he was doing it ? Was he thinking about her when he was kissing me those past months ?

« We didn't need any word to completely understand each other. »

Did she feel the same connexion I always felt with him ? And him, did he feel it too ? Was it better with her than me ?

« It was absolutely perfect. »

My brain finally made me do something, and I started to walk towards the stadium, not knowing what I was really doing, not knowing where I was going. But I felt deep inside me that I should listen to my instinct, because, for now, it's never been wrong.

« Zelda ! », Paya cried, but I didn't look at her.

« Paya, I think I have something to tell you... », I heard Impa behind me.

My legs were leading me inside the large building, and I felt like I was the spectator of my own life, seeing the path in front of me moving as if I was automatically walking, letting my legs and instinct guiding me through these white walls. The smell of the sweat and cleaning products filled my nose, and it automatically reminded me of that last kiss we shared together.

Just after he kissed Paya, his lips still covered by her perfume.

I cried again, the sharpen pieces of my broken heart were aching me, the thought of them together was breaking it in smaller pieces, letting them cut me from the inside, running through my veins, clouding my mind.

That was how it was working. Those sharpen pieces of heart were infiltrating my deep invisible wounds, my insecurities and, if I thought it could have filled them up, it only made them worse. It re-opened them, or created new ones, and I truly didn't know if I would ever recover from this.

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