Chapter 17 : Who was it ?

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I arrived early in the morning in HU, ready to learn new things. Even if I wasn't full of energy, I had a dreamless night, partly due to Link's sweater– currently in the washing machine – and his meditation playlist. Thinking about him, about how attentive he'd been with me on saturday night made me blush a bit. But my smile faded when I saw he didn't reply to my last text.

I hope you wont't act the way you did last week. Not after what happened.

I sat down at my chosen table and unpacked my things. I turned my laptop on and I logged on the intranet to check if my grades have been published. My heart was beating too fast in my chest while my hands were discretely shaking as I hoped I reached that dreadful 90.

100, 100, 100. Perfect, exactly what I wanted.

I was alone in the lecture hall, again.

'Bad habits die hard', as he said.

I was organizing my stuff when my phone rang. 'Sorry, I let you without any news. Busy day. Hope you had a great night. See you in maths !'.

I smiled and replied a 'See you !', while other students and teacher filled the room.

Maybe this week will be better than the last one.

Well, maybe the first lecture of the day wasn't the most interesting one as I was struggling not to fall asleep on my table while the professor was talking about public economy. My eyelids were so heavy during this hour, that was insane ! But, the thought of Father's words and more than this, the judgement in his eyes on sunday helped me a lot to stay awake.

The only thing he saw was my laziness. Not the tired and scared girl I was. So he scolded me when I finally had some rest after that terrible night, when I finally found peace after that nightmare. He scolded me for listening to my body, to my mind. He scolded me for being human.

He sent me a short text yesterday. 'Just landed.' and nothing more. Even when I wished him a good week, he didn't replied by a nice word. Was it too hard for him to be at least polite with his own daughter ? Was it too hard for him to show me a tiny sign of affection ?

Of course it is.

I sighed and packed my stuff before going to the next lecture. A law course. I didn't really like that discipline but the thought of Impa sitting next to me for two hours helped me to feel better. And her bright smile, followed by Sidon's – which was even brighter – chased all of my dark thoughts.

Their happiness was contagious, and I caught myself smiling and laughing with them during this lecture. Of course I spent most of the time writing everything that came out of the professor's mouth, but that was so nice to have a break when we had an exercise to do.

They were chatting about the last party – well, Impa for the most as Sidon didn't go there – and she kept askig him to come next time, but he was inflexible and kept declining her proposition, telling her he had to train everyday and follow a strict diet until the next competition. She pouted a bit, but she understood, and I couldn'thelp reminding her how interesting it could be for her to follow Sidon's advise if she wanted to win her national competition in march.

« You can be such a killjoy, Zel... », she pouted.

« Oh Impout, you know that's for your good. », I giggled, making her pout even more while we were walking along the campus.

« If you say so... » she rolled her eyes.

« You can do this as long as you want, I will keep telling you to train, go to bed early and eat well. »

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