Chapter 57 : I love you, Zelda Bosphoramus

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Just as expected, the rumors completely stopped after my – little –talk with Kima. Well, some girls kept looking at me with disgust and some boys kept asking me out but it was far less than before

Speaking of Kima, I just saw him one time this week, the mark of my hand still on his face. He looked at me angrily but I held his gaze until he turned his head, showing him that I wasn't scared of him. Quite the contrary, in fact.

You're so pathetic.

Link told me that he kept telling lies about him and I, but no one believed him anymore, which was a true blessing. And, who knows, maybe he will stop saying those awful lies in a near future ? That was what Link and I hoped, as I could see how terrible it was for him to stay silent, to tolerate those awful remarks against me any longer.

I could finally enjoyed some time with my friends without fearing a bad remark or a keen boy. When they asked me why it was so much better now, I just told them how I scared Kima in front of everyone, making them laugh a lot. Impa kept telling me that she was super proud of me, that I did well and that she 'educated me well'.

But someone was still missing and I couldn't help feeling a bit sad.


I knew I told her that I would let her all the time she needed, but it still made me sad for some reasons.

I missed her smile, I missed her kindness, I missed her sitting next to me during our maths class – even if Link was always sitting the closest to me he could. Now she was barely looking at me, well at us, and if she dared to, we could see sadness in her teary eyes. But it was improving each day, and I hoped I could talk to her after the winter break.

You're dreaming. She still avoids you like the plague and can't look at your face without crying or feeling heartache. I don't think she'll talk to the girl who deliberately lied to her, let her dream of a situation that would've never existed except in her head and let Link do the dirty job.

Those words kept looping in my mind. I made a mistake, probably the biggest one, and now I'm complaining because she didn't want to see me anymore.

Maybe... Maybe I should've told her. Maybe I should've told her as soon as I started dating her crush. I would've broken her heart but that would've been honest at least.

But you can't change the past. And now you have to live with that huge mistake for ever.

But everything wasn't that bad.

Paya, however, kept telling me what she learnt with An, and how amazingly he played the piano, and nearly every instruments of the world. She was starry-eyed everytime she remembered something they'd done in the music studio : how he helped her placing her fingers on the keys, when he played with her on the piano or when they were just chatting together about their life in Kakariko. And I kept thinking about the fact that they would be a lovely couple together, and that maybe he didn't try anything with her because he had a crush onme.

« Hey Beauty. Still lost in thoughts ? », An said while he was putting his bag next to me.

« Hey An, indeed. », I said with a smile. « How are you ? »

« If I was already a bit bored before, I can tell that now I'm divinely fine, sitting next to an angel. »

« Oh stop it. », I said blushing.

« I will never stop spreading the truth. », he chuckled. « Everyone has to know that you're an angel. No, no. Not an angel. You're Hylia herself, regarding your costume during Halloween. Seriously you were the prettiest girl of that house, I couldn't take my eyes off you. »

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