Chapter 69 : Her whole world

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« Dad, why did you tell Zelda it's been a long time since you last saw her ? », Link asked while we were eating our desserts.

I lifted my head up, now looking at Arn's brown eyes hidden behind his dense dark eyebrows. A light smile was crossing his face, making me relax a bit.

I would have never guessed he was Link's father, as they were the complete opposite.

Link was a blond haired-boy with blue eyes while Arn had dark hair and brown eyes, and I didn't talk about their height. Link wasn't really tall and Arn was extremely tall – I wouldn't have been surprised if he was above 2m – looking like a bear and his dark beard was another big difference between the two men.

« As you probably don't know, miss Zelda, I'm a military. », he said, and I nodded. « But when I finished the military school I didn't immediately want to go to the front, as I prefered spending time with Cinna who had been working at the farm when I was in CastleTown. And she was pregnant when I graduated so I thought it would be wiser to stay in Hyrule, a peaceful country, far from the war. »

I put my culteries in my plate, now fully focused on his story.

« But it was hard for me to find a job in Hateno, regarding what I'd learn in school. So I started to look at the newspapers to see if I could do something to earn money, because, Cinna couldn't work for the two of us while I was there, doing nothing. », he continued, and now everyone was listening to him. « But, one day I recieved an e-mail. Someone wanted me to do a job in CastleTown, something related to the studies I'd done. And well-paid. »

Cinna was slowly nodding, and I assumed she was remembering what they lived at this moment of their lives.

« We had a long talk together, and, knowing we were about to have a baby – and a greedy one – I finally accepted the job. But I have to admit, it was hard for me to leave my family, to go to CastleTown again. », he sighed. « But I knew it was worth everything. I knew it was my duty as a future father to take care of my family, to do sacrifices to offer you a good life. »

Link and Aryll shared a look together. They seemed to discover this story and they were a bit touched by this revelation.

« So... I packed my bags and went to the city I left few months before. I felt like I could never live my life in Hateno with my wife and children and I couldn't help thinking it was a bit unfair, feeling like it was an eternal repeat. », he said. « Whatever. I went to the adress the secretarian sent me, and I was amazed by the mansion that was standing in front of me. And more than the mansion, the woman who was welcoming me, a bright smile on her face. »

A light smile was crossing his face.

« Your mother. »

I stared at him, automatically lifting my hand to my necklace, slowly touching the medal with the symbol of Nayru engraved on it.

« When your father's last bodyguard retired, Claire immediately told him I was someone he could trust. You see, she was one of my friends' friend, so we spent time together during college and we became friends together. She was... she was the kindest person I've ever met in my life, bright and always joyful, always helping the ones who needed. Everyone loved her. », he said with a smile.

My beloved Mother.

« And she heard I was looking for a job so she convinced your father to hire me. I didn't have to prove my value to get the job as Rhoam trusted your mother blindly. », he chuckled. « So I started working as his bodyguard, accompanying him everywhere in town but also in the world, and he kept apologizing about that, knowing we were expecting a baby with Cinna. So everytime I had to travel across the world with him, he always allowed me to take some free-days to go back to Hateno. He congratulated us for Link's birth and gave me two months off to take care of my son, and I was so grateful for it. »

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