Chapter 13 : You even less

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He didn't let go of my hand until I was safe in the car. I sat first and he closed the door behind me, before heading to the driving seat, looking around him while he was walking around the giant metallic structure that was protecting me. He was still anxious, still on alert, making sure the one who assaulted me was gone, not lurking in the dark, ready to attack us once more.

Of course he was the one who drove, as I was too shocked to even think clear, but I caught him looking at me sometimes. His eyes were tinted by sadness, guilt and pity. I was sure he was cursing himself at this exact moment. Not only because he thought he was the reason why this mad man attacked me, but also because seeing a violent fight as the one he just endured scared me to death.

We parked in front of the main door of the building we both thought we wouldn't see before a long time. The same one where I shouted on him. The same one where Toruma found his most delicious prey. The same one where I signed my death warrant.

He had a last look around him before exiting the car. I stayed inside until he opened my door, just as he told me to do. I didn't really know if it reassured me or if it made me even more nervous, because, in one hand, I knew he did it for my safety but in the other... if he thought it was necessary, that would've meant that the danger wasn't gone, that he could hurt me – or him – once more.

I followed him along the few meters that separated us to the main door. Everything was dark inside, and, if I felt pretty comfortable in this building nearly one hour ago when I was with Urbosa, I couldn't say the same thing at this moment. The plants looked like creepy monsters, hidden in the darkest corners o fthe room, the desk was another wall where a boogeyman could wait for the perfect moment to surprise us, the too many reflections of the street lights on the glasses were too many eyes that were looking at us, spying us.

But he is with you. No one can hurt you while he is by your side.

I slightly got closer to him, not even doing it consciously. Happily he didn't notice it, or at least, he pretended he didn't see my move. Only Hylia knew how he would've reacted if he saw it. He would've been nervous again, ready to fight the shadows I saw, probably thinking I was completely crazy.

« Why do you have the keys ? », I asked, trying to focus on something else than my fears.

« I use to train here, and Daruk wanted some help so I train the children and I help him with the self-defense lessons. », he simply answered, turning the lights on.

It was less terrific now everything was bathed by the white et powerful neon light of the main hall. The plants were only plants, the desk had nothing to hide and all the reflections suddunly vanished. And knowing that place was closed before we came – and he locked it behind him too – helped me a lot to relax.

I followed him towards the dojo, on the left side of the main hall. It was a huge place with many differents spots in it. A boxing ring, punching balls, stretching area, tatamis,... The white walls with quotes' posters written in differents languages, the exposed beams, wooden floor and spotlights completed the room and gave it a very zen ambiance.

I hope it will help me to calme down too.

He led me to another tiny room next to the dojo. It was completely different. Still the same walls and floor, but the white neon, the desk, the examining table and the smell of sanitizer reminded me a medical cabinet.

« Do you know where can I find something freezing cold? », I asked. « For your incoming bumps. »

« In the fridge. Just here », he answered, pointing the little box next to a storage closet while he was smiling at me. « Don't feel obliged to do it. »

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