Chapter 52 : An unexpected new

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I had many bad dreams this night, probably due to what I wrote in my diary earlier, reminding me many bad memories.

The first one was about Toruma, of course, in the alley for first, and when I tried to escape from him, I was in the corridor, not breathing anymore. Link was there to comfort me when I woke up shaking and crying, slowly rubbing my back, holding me in his arms and telling me he was there with me.

The second one was with Mipha who told me how deeply she hated me, slapping my face before she told me I was a liar who didn't deserved Link's love. I didn't woke Link up this time, as I did breathing exercises to calm me down before I fell asleep again.

The third one – and happily the last – was about Father, the moment when he chased me from home, telling me I was a whore and how Mother should be disappointed about my behavior. And even if there was no physical violence, it was the most hurtful one.

I couldn't say I missed him, because I didn't miss the way he treated me when I lived in his house. But knowing I was now an orphan because my only parent who was still alive rejected me, not even trying to find where I lived, how I was – physically and mentally – was killing me.

It was the painful reality : he hated me since Mother's death, and he must be relieved I wasn't around him anymore. If it wasn't the case he should have sent me something, he should have tried to contact me, he should have tried to talk to me. I checked my mails everyday, a part of me hoping he would have sent me something, but the days went by and his name had never appeared on my screen. He left me all alone under the pouring rain, completely homeless, until Link found me and put me up in his room.

Speaking of Link, he must have sensed I wasn't well because he turned his body to face me, put his right arm around my waist and slowly kissed my temple, making me smile. I put my hand on his and we intertwined our fingers, and when I turned my head towards him, he kissed my forehead, still asleep.

How is it possible to be cute like that ?

I let out his hand and completely turned my body to face him, burrying my head in his chest as he held me tightly with his right arm and kissed the top of my head. And I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fall asleep, completely at ease.

But it didn't last long before his alarm rang. He quickly turned it off before he stretched his body and let out a huge yawn. I heard him walking in our room, searching some clothes in his wardrobe and dressed up – I let my eyes closed, of course – and finally came back to our bed, gently kissing my forehead and putting a lock of hair behind my ear.

Don't go.

« What ? », he whispered.

Did I really say it out loud ?

I opened my eyes and I saw him in front of me, looking at me with a smile across his face. My hand immediately grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me, softly kissing him.

« I don't want you to go. », I complained with a puppy face.

« You know I have to, Princess. », he whispered against my lips.

« I know. », I said with a sad smile.

« I will wait until you fall asleep, alright ? I'll be there when you'll wake up. », he said as he laid under the sheets, holding me in his arms.

« Thank you. », I whispered before I closed my eyes, hearing his heartbeats and feeling his fingers playing with my hair.

And just like he said, he was there when I woke up, a tray full of food in his hands.

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