Chapter 58 : The way he kissed me

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« At least he knows, now. », Link said while he was eating his sushi.

He knew how hard it should've been for me today, and, just as I did to him when he said to Mipha that he was dating me, he bought me sushi and noodles, hoping it would lighten my mood.

« Yes. », I sighed. « But I feel so bad for him. You should have seen his eyes. I completely broke his heart. »

« That's not your fault if he fell for you and you didn't, okay ? »

« Hm. », I mumbled, turning my chopsticks in my noodles. « What about you and Malon ? »

« Do you really wanna know ? », he chuckled.

« Uh... Do I have something to worry about ? »

« Of course not. »

« So, yes, I wanna know. »

« Okay. », he nodded, a light smile on his face. « So, we mostly talked about the horse she just sell, a huge black stallion named Mandrag to a family in Termina, and about my Epona. Then we talked about her life and what she did since the last time I saw her when we were young and she asked me how was the life as an international athlete. »

« And what did you say ? »

« That it was pretty cool, of course but the fact that I was famous bothered me a lot. Like I couldn't drink my coffee without being distrubed three times in a row and when I came back home I saw that someone snapped Malon and me, assuming we were dating... », he said, rolling his eyes. « I quickly asked the guy to erase it but it was too late and some shitty papers wrote articles about my potential relationship with her... »

Amazing. Really amazing. Please kill me.

« Don't look at me that way. Malon knows that I'm not in love with her. »

« How can you be that sure ? »

« Because I told her that I was dating you. »

« What ? »

« I told her that I was dating you. I wanted to clarify it, being sure there was no misunderstanding. », he shrugged. « And I knew that you didn't really like the fact that I introduced you to her as my friend so I corrected it. »

« And what did she say ? »

« She was happy for us. », he said as I smiled. « She found you nice and pretty. She said she was sure you were a good person and we were 'cute together'. »

Even if I haven't been the nicest person ever.

« You see, there's nothing to worry about. », he chuckled.

« Thank you. », I said as I put my head on his chest.

« You're welcome, Princess. », he said, kissing the top of my head.

I like the fact that we become more and more official, that he introduces me to his friends and all. It helps me to be a bit more comfortable about the idea of us as a couple.

« So, what do you want to watch tonight ? The movie about your favorite french novel ? », he asked.

« Bel-Ami ? You're adorable but I don't think that's really your kind of movie... »

« I want to learn a bit more about your french culture, I'm absolutely sure that I never read that Victor Hugo's book. »

« It's Guy de Maupassant. », I started laughing.

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