Chapter 67 : It's been a very long time, miss Bosphoramus

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The awakening was complicated this morning. Well, only for me, regarding that Link was already used to wake up around 5AM, so waking up 30 minutes earlier wasn't a big deal for him.

I hardly opened my eyes, the yellow light of the bedside lamp dazzled me but the view of him shirtless awakened me very quickly.

« Zel, stop staring at me and wake up. », he chuckled, making me blush a lot.

I let out a huge yawn and burried my head in my pillow as soon as he put his shirt on, making him laugh even more. I sensed the mattress moving next to me, and, I only had the time to had a look at his playful face before he started tickling me, making me burst into laughter.

« Link stop it ! Stop it ! », I shouted, laughing like a fool under his vicious attacks.

« Only if you really wake up. », he said, still tickling me.

« I will ! I will ! »

His hands left my waist while his lips landed on mine. He tenderly kissed me, allowing me to catch my breath and calm down, but he quickly broke it. And I couldn't help growling.

« I know what you're doing Zel. », he said with a smile. « You're trying to gain time. »

« I'm trying to spend a nice moment with you. », I mumbled.

« Don't you think it will be nice at my parents' house ? »

« I'm sure it will be lovely. »

« Indeed. So, get up ! », he exclaimed, holding me in his arms, ready to carry me out of bed.

« I will do it on my own. », I laughed.

Outside, we could hear the boys walking along the corridor and stairs, their suitcase following them. The three ritos were about to go to their own family at the north-west of the country, hoping they could arrive before midday at home after a 4 hours trip, in two separated cars of course. Bozai, however, was still peacefuly sleeping in his bed, judging by the sound of his loud snores.

I stretched my body and got out of the warm sheets, taking a warm jogging and vanity to properly dress up, and directly went to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face, hoping it will wake me up a bit more, but it wasn't really effective. Well, I should apply make up and try to hide my dark circles and hoped my awful and tired-looking face won't scare them.

Then, I came back to my room to put my last things in the suitcase before I finally closed it. I started feeling nervous and excited at the same time, seeing our suitcase standing in the middle of our room, ready to travel half of the country with us.

« You've got everything ? », he asked, standing in my back.

« I hope so. », I answered in a low voice, restisting to the urge of opening it and cheking out one more time if I took enough socks or sweaters.

« Great. I'll put it in the car. », he said with a smile, holding the suitcase and the gifts at the same time.

I was still impressed by his strength and seeing him carrying those two heavy stuffs without any effort to my car made me feel my heartwarmed. I tried to help him several times while he was walking down the stairs or when he was about to put them in the trunk but he kept telling me he was okay, and that I had nothing to worry about.

The bright moon was still shining above our head and the air was freezing cold, making me shiver even if I was outside for only two minutes. The streets were completely empty, as nearly all the students came back to their family yesterday, and the other ones were probably still sleeping like logs.

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