Chapter 65 : There's always a light at the end of the tunnel

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« Oh, look who's back. », Revali sarcastically said while we were walking downstairs. « I hope you lost your competition. »

I just spent the most peaceful night of my life, sleeping like a log during nearly 10 hours straight in the arms of the man I missed so much, and Revali's bad mood couldn't cast a shadow over my happiness. But I smiled at him, and felt relieved when he smiled at me back.

« I'm not happy to see you neither, Ravioli. », Link simply said, taking all the ingredients he needed to make pancakes. « And I hope you're disppointed because I won. »

We heard him sighing while we were mixing every ingredients in a large bowl and put the batter in the pan. I tried to flip them the same way he taught me many weeks ago and I was pretty proud of me when I succeeded, making him chuckle and giving me a high-five.

« So, I see you're still together. », the rito boy said.

« Indeed. », Link said, holding me by my waist while I was putting the batter in the pan but it ended up in a huge splashy pancake. « Sorry, Princess. »

« That's fine, it's kinda... artistic, I think. », I chuckled and felt his lips kissing my cheek.

« Well... », he continued, walking towards us. « I hope you won't break her heart like you did last week anymore. »

« I won't. », my blond boy coldly said and his grip tightened around me.

« You see... », he sighed. « You didn't see her when she was at her worst. You weren't here with her when she needed you. »

« We already talked about that together, thank you for your concern. »

« Yes, I was concerned. I was worried about her health when she told me she didn't eat anything for a complete week. I was worried when I heard her crying all night long, calling your name sometimes during the few times she was sleeping. I was worried for her when she was looking at your fucking account, hoping she would get some news but she ended up even worse, seeing how you enjoyed your fucking life down there. », he hissed, overlooking at him.

« Shut the fuck up. »

« Oh no, you fucking bastard. », he still hissed, holding Link by the collar, threatening him with his fist. « I was the one she finally called when she was too desperate of your shitty behaviour. You should've seen how she jumped in my arms when I opened my door, craving for an ounce of human presence, the thing you couldn't give to her even if she was silently begging for it. I took care of her, I let her talk about her problems in my bed, I hugged her, I comforted her while you weren't there. You may think you were good, but I was better. »

Link clenched his jaws. Revali's words hurt him deeply, and I saw how bad he was trying to keep a cool head. And I knew that only a spark would set fire to his fury.

« I did your job, once again. », Revali hissed.

« Once again ? Are you fucking kidding me ? »

« I'm not ! You already forgot to tell her she was invited to Gesane's dorm after the archery contest. Seriously, you have a fucking great girl and you are constantly messing up with her ! »

« Wow. Constantly ? I think you're exaggerating ! »

« I'm not ! »

« Revali, please ! », I begged him.

« You are ! », Link shouted, ready to hit Revali.

« Link ! Stop ! », I begged him, fearing for both of them if they started a fight right now.

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