Chapter 74 : Merry Christmas

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« Holy shit, I'm the luckiest guy of the world. », Link exclaimed as soon as I came back to his room.

« You're a charmer. », I chuckled, struggling with my diamond earrings.

« What ? Saying that my girlfriend is way too cute isn't allowed anymore ? », he teased me.

« Mh, let me think of it... », I said, patting my chin.« I think that's still allowed if my boyfriend finally goes to the bathroom before his grandmother comes to his house. »

« My girlfriend », « My boyfriend »... I still can't believe we can call each other that way !

« What a leader ! », he chuckled, already walking towards the door.

« At least. », I laughed.

He blew me a kiss before closing the door behind him, and I ended up alone in his room. I planned on using that time to chat with Impa, but I heard someone knocking on our door.

I was really happy to see Aryll, her usual bunches now replace by a high bun. She was wearing a cute little black dress with muslin sleeves covered by little glitters and black high-heels. A large smile was crossing her face when she saw me, a little vanity in her hand.

« You're so pretty ! By Hylia, this is surnatural ! », she said, full of admiration.

« You're amazing Aryll, that dress suits you well ! », I said, detailing her.

« Thank you, Zel. », she said with a smile. « I wanted to know if you were okay to do my make up ? I kinda saw you were good at it. »

« Yeah sure ! I can take my products too, I think I can do something nice. », I answered, taking my own vanity. « How do you know I'm good at make up ? »

« Well, I kinda looked at your Instagram. », she said, scratching the back of her neck.

So that was a sort of family thing, that little habit of scratching their necks when they're uncomfortable.

« I saw your name in Link's phone and I made a research. For first I was a bit disappointed by seeing nothing, but I knew it was you, and probably Impa, on your tagged pictures. »

« Oh, so I'm not the only stalker here. », I teased her, while I was chosing my products and started applying the foundation.

« I admit, I love stalking people on social media. I know that's kinda weird, but it really helped to know the person I'm about to meet. », she chuckled. « Do you want me to stop talking ? »

« Don't worry, that's fine for the moment. Maybe when'll apply eye liner but we still have time. », I said, chosing the right blush and bronzer. « So, you're a kind of Joe Goldberg ? »

« Ew, no. That guy's crazy. Sexy but crazy. », she laughed.

« Not really my type. », I chuckled, blushing.

« Too hairy ? »

« Aryll ! », I bursted into laughter. « Poor Link ! »

« Speaking of him, how was your afternoon ? »

« Good. Very good. », I said with a smile, and I saw her looking at me with a large grin. « Okay, we had a walk in the forest next to your house, he showed me the Cursed Statue, and a cute clearer. »

« And ? »

« And he kinda finally asked me out. », I shyly said, avoiding her gaze by choising the perfect eyeshadow.

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