Chapter 7 : Mipha's touch

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The days passed by so fast that I only realised today that it was finally friday. Which meant, finally the last day of school before the week-end. And no, I won't spend it at home doing nothing, as I already planned my working schedule for those next two days.

Double majoring was hard and I barely had free-time to spend with Impa. I didn't saw him during the rest of the week, even if we had courses in common. I didn't really know why he didn't show up, but that was a blessing. Maybe he didn't want to see me ? Maybe he took my absence of response in a bad way ? That would be logical, I liked an old picture of him, then he quickly followed me and then I didn't answer at all. That was a bit rude, no ?

Whatever, because he was out of my view, I could finally stop thinking about him, I could finally focus on my grades but I didn't meet any new friends. Well, maybe Sidon, An and Impa were already a good score for me. I'd always spent my whole life with Impa, and only her. That was good for us to meet new people around but still being the best-friends ever. I only hoped I will still be the first one in her heart and I wouldn't be replaced by one of those stupid girls I heard giggling like fools.

I was already one week ahead in my homework, perfectly knowing every details of my past lectures, and nearly everything of the next ones. Maybe the last few points I didn't truly understand would be explain during my next lectures ? I really hoped so.

But something started stressing me out. Next week, the teachers will start conduct in some assessments and I knew I had to be ready. I wanted to have 100 in each subject, because if I targeted 100, I can easily reach 90, and then Father won't withdraw archeology from me. That was the perfect plan. A tiring plan that required an inflexible rigor, a perfect amount of sleep and a balanced diet. I wouldn't count of Father's moral support, as I didn't truly see him that week. Well, I saw him for one diner, which was pretty extraordinary.

When my last lecture ended– something about accounting – I started packing my laptop –because that time I didn't forget it at home –, my notebooks and pens when I heard two girls chatting in front of me. That same girl who 'discreetly' whispered to her friend he was behind her during my first day.

« Do you know Link had won another golden medal in his individual competition, but only a bronze one with his team ? », the first one said.

Can't they just stop talking about him for more than one minute ? Seriously they're so pathetic that's terrible. I mean, hello, you will never get graduated if you don't listen to the teacher and you kept scrolling his Instagram...

« Yeah I saw it, he is the very best of his team, the others spoiled his talent. »

Are they serious ? How can they say something like that ? First of all, if his teammates are contesting in an international champioship, they are good. They are one of the best athletes in their discipline. Even if they 'only' won the bronze medal. And who knows, maybe he was the one who didn't do his best ?

« I completely agree. Look at him, he was so handsome, so incredible, so powerful! »

« He is the one who saved the team. »

They were so ridiculous, giggling together in front of their phones, detailling every pixel of his pictures and criticizing his teammates.

Pathetic. Fangirls are so cringe.

That explained why he wasn't there at the end of the week. For some reasons I was relieved I didn't see him because he was mad at me.

You really thought he wasn't there because ofyou ? Hello ? You are not that important. Of course he had other things in my mind, I mean, he is an international athlete. Not someone who stays here all week long like you. Not someone who doesn't do anything during her life.

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