Chapter 68 : His family

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Link and I were staring at Arn, not knowing what to say.

Did he really say he already knew me ? That I already met him a long time ago ? And why do I have no memories about that ?

« I... Do I know - »

I couldn't finish my sentence as a big grey wolfdog jumped on Link and I, barking and licking Link's face. My blond man was laughing like a fool, holding Mid's wet paws in his hands, too happy to finally see his old friend, and the dog seemed really glad too, judging by his wagging tail. Link kept talking to him, slapping his own laps to play with the beautiful grey dog, sometimes scratching Mid's face, sometimes holding his upper jaw, making the dog growling and showing his teeth.

« Oh what a scary boy. », he sarcastically said, still playing that little game with the beast, making him growl even more. « Yeah, buddy, you can growl as much as you want, I'll never be scared of you. Sorry. »

« Link, stop it. Mid's gonna be out of control. », his mother said.

« I'm sure he's gonna listen to me. », he said, looking at his dog in the eyes. « Mid, sit. »

And the grey dog immediately sat and calmed down, not growling or trying to softly bit him anymore.

« Good boy. », he said, patting Mid's head. « Zel, do you want to pet him ? »

« Yeah, sure. », I said with a smile.

Link led me close to him, and, when I was in front of the wolfdog, I squatted down, looking at him in his deep blue eyes. He was a beautiful animal, his dark grey fur contrasting with his white marks on his body and forehead – and I couldn't help thinking it looked like a thrid eye –, and he had a huge amount of hairs on the back of his neck, nearly looking like a grey mane.

I slowly approached my hand, letting him sniff it before I gently caressed his nose and forehead. His hairs were kinda sweet, which surprised me a bit. Usually dogs like him had rough hairs, and the sweet touch of his fur under my fingers encouraged me to keep caressing him, now scratching the back of his ears. And I was glad to see him enjoying it, his tail fastly wagging as he quickly stood up, ready to lick my cheeks.

« Oh, so you like those little scratchies ? », I said in a high-pitch voice. « Yes, you do ! You're a very good boy, uh ? »

I had a quick look at Link who was looking at me with a smile, and I immediately understood he was relieved I was fine around dogs. To be honest, I never had a dog at home and that was the first time I truly had a contact with that kind of animals, so I was glad that Mid and I went well together.

« I warn you, now that you scratched his ears, he won't leave you in peace. », Link whispered in my ear.

« Mid is adorable. », I finally said, standing up, still caressing him. « And your house is absolutely beautiful, the view is breathtaking. »

« Thank you, Zelda. », Arn said. « Do you need help to carry your bags inside ? I imagine you had a long trip and you're both tired. »

« Yep, thanks dad. », Link answered before he opened the truck.

« That's really kind of you. », I added with a smile, already taking our luggage while Link and his father were taking the too many gifts.

Aryll quickly asked me if I wanted help, and I didn't have time to answer before she had one of the bags in her hands, leading me inside the house.

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