Chapter 19 : Paya Shai

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« Oh please Zelda, kids are sooooo annoying. »

No doubts, Impa's fine.

« Be kind, they were like what, 4 to 6 years old ? », I chuckled.

« Yes, but that's not an excuse. They were so bad, and always complaining like 'Impaaa, Sefaro hurt me' », she said in a high-pitched voice. « I just wanted to tell them 'Yes Teebo, it's totaly the point of a fighting sport' but I was like 'ooooh show me where did he hurt you'. »

« I would have paid a lot to see it ! », I bursted into laughter.

« I will never do it again. Not in this life, nor in another ! Why Link didn't come tonight ? Usually he does it. And Daruk knows how deeply I hate children ! »

« You were his best option because you are his best athlete. », I tried to find him an excuse. « And Link had an archery training. »

« Maybe, but the worst baby-sitter of all time. Wait, how do you know that ? I thought you barely knew him ? »

« We are in the same maths lecture and he was sitting next to me so we talked a bit. When I told him I was about to see you at the stadium, he said that he had a training session. », I lied.

« Okay, that makes sense. Seriously I'd rather have been with you tonight. », she sighed. « How was your evening ? What have you done ? »

« Pretty good in fact, even if you weren't with me. »

« Yeah, I can imagine. Life sucks when I'm not here. », she chuckled and I couldn't help bursting in laughter too.

Oh Impa, I'm pretty sure that if you were all alone in a room, you would find a way to laugh with the walls.

« So you directly went home ? »

« Uh... no. »

« You went to the library so ? »

« Neither. »

« So what ? Don't tell me Princess Zelda went to the stadium ! »

« Well... I accompanied Link to the stadium and I kinda watched his training. »

« Oh, oh. », she teased me. « And... ? »

« And I met a very annoying boy before I worked on the bleachers. »

« Aaaaand ? »

« And I went home. Alone. »

« So boring. », I heard her huffing.

« Hey ! You know I'm boring ! »

We laughed together and talked about random stuff while I was eating my dinner. I knew she loved the gossips, but I also perfectly knew her. She could tease me as long as she wanted with Link and how soon we will end up together, her voice was sometimes a bit shaky. I've never been with a boy, nor she'd been, and – I didn't really know if I would date Link one day – that thought was probably scaring her a bit. There's always been us against the world. Just the two of us and no one else. Not another friends, and certainly not a boyfriend.

Anyway, having a boyfriend isn't allowed by the Bosphoramus Commandements.

« Impa ? »

« Yes ? »

« You know that you'll always be my favorite person on earth ? »

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