Chapter 82 : Happy New Year

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Link's POV.

Everything was done.

The tables were leaning against the walls, just as the couches. Some bowls were filled with many types of crackers while others were made for the cocktails. Fairy Tonic, Vai Meets Voi, Spicy Elixir, and others. But there were also soft drinks for the ones who didn't want to drink tonight, or who couldn't drink tonight just like Saki.

Speaking of her, I was so glad she chose my Zel as her child's godmother. Knowing my girlfriend, it would've meant a lot to her. She barely had a maternal figure during her childhood, and, even if Urbosa was her godmother, she already told me the few times she saw Urbosa weren't enough for her. So, I knew Saki made the right choice, because I knew Zel will give to that little baby all the love she never had.

My Zel, my amazing and loving Princess.

I still didn't really know why she chose me as her boyfriend, but I was so glad she did it. I was so glad I could call her my girlfriend, falling asleep with her in my arms every nights and hearing her shy 'I love you' every time I kissed her early in the morning before my trainings.

I love you, Princess. You can't imagine how important you are to me.

Only Hylia knew how bad I wanted to send her a text, to let her know I couldn't wait to see her. But, I had to fight against it, I had to learn to leave her alone while she was with her friends. Even if that was hard for me to know she was far from me.

Shit, I start to act like those crazy boyfriends who never let their girlfriends alone.

She was safe. She was with her friends. She was probably laughing and dancing with Impa in the bathroom, brushing her hair or doing those make-up things I knew nothing about. But still, after nearly two weeks of just the two of us, and some amazing days in Hebra, the separation was a bit difficult for me.

Especially after yesterday night, uh ?

Shut up.

Yes that moment was... wonderful, truly wonderful. But I didn't fall for her only for this. Even if I was honored she chose to trust me, our story was so much more than this. It was made of trust, reassurance, laughs, cries, and an immesurable love.

Yes, that was it.

A complex, incredible and sometimes chaotic story. A story about two soulmates, two hearts beating together in harmony, but enameled by traumatic experiences. And still, we were together, loving each other more than ever.

« Link, you can use the bathroom if you want ! », I heard Saki exclaiming in the corridor.

« Alright Saki ! Thank you ! »

I directly went to the bathroom to have a quick shower, and, I admitted, it was strange for first not to feel the burning water on my skin.

Because she wasn't there. And, of course, no one never took shower as hot as the ones she used to take. No one was crazy enough to nearly burn their skin under the steaming water. But her, yes, and the words she said when she explained why she used to do this came to my mind.

« I fear being freezing cold again. That's probably stupid but when Urbosa carried me home, she immediately gave me a hot bath with a hot chocolate to warm me up, and I felt like I was resurrected, like this nightmare was now behind me. Like someone was finally taking care of me. »

My beautiful Princess, how could anybody possibly hurt you ? And worse than everything, that your own father hurt you. That he nearly let you die freezing in a pond. In a fucking pond because he lost his fucking mind and forced you to pray in that fucking cold water.

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