Chapter 70 : Hateno

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« Alright, now I understand why you're always awake at 5AM. », I yawned, following him outside the house, the shining moon above our heads.

« I told you that you could stay in bed, honey. », he said, holding my hand.

« And I told you I wanted to help you at the farm. I won't stay under the sheets while you are working outside under the snow. »

« Aryll never comes to help us, you know ? »

« But she's your sister, while I am your... date. »

« And ? »

« And she doesn't have to prove anything to your parents while I have to make a good impression. »

« Dad already loves you. Even before we knew each other ! », he chuckled.

« But your mother doesn't really like me. », I said, and I saw him looking at me before rolling his eyes. « That's true, I don't know what she thinks of me but I'm not stupid, she isn't fond of the idea of us together. »

« She's always a bit... defensive when she met someone knew, especially when they come here. »

« Even Malon ? »

« That was different. »

« Why ? »

« Because all of our horses come from the LonLon Ranch, so she already knew her for a long time. »

« And she isn't a townie like me. », I mumbled.

« That has nothing to do with it. »

« Really ? »

« Yes, Zel. », he said, opening the large wooden door of the barn. « Look, mum had always been like that with every person she just met. You should have seen her when Aryll brought home her first boyfriend. »

« Zill wasn't the first one ? »

« No, probably the third. », he answered, taking the fork, ready to divide the haystack in four portions. « Whatever, she will accept you, even if she'll need time. »

The four horses were neighing and hitting the stable boxes' doors with their legs, telling Link to hurry up. It was still super cold in the barn as I saw steam coming out of their nose while they were breathing.

« You can take this. », he continued, giving me the same bucket he used yesterday. « One bucket per horse, the mangers are in every right corner of the stable box. Just throw the feeding above the doors, okay ? »

I nodded and walked to the wheel barrow, filling the bucket with the dried cereals before throwing them in the manger. I admitted, I was a bit scared that the horses could have pushed me, or hit me with their massive heads but they all backed off when I came with their food.

Link however, was pushing the hay along the barn, putting the four portions outside. I assumed the horses were going to spend their day in the field but because of the snow they couldn't graze on grass, obliging their owners to add extra-food outside.

I immediately took the broom as soon as Link went oustide with the last portion and swept the floor to leave the barn clean and tidy. I was completely focused on my task while the horses were eating and I enjoyed the calm sound of this early morning, only the sound of their breath and teeth grinding the dried cereals could be heard.

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