Chapter 97 : Pure love never dies

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I couldn't think clear.

I was exhausted, nervous, and, even if I was relieved Link was still alive, I couldn't help thinking about the amount of complications he could do. What if he had fever ? What if his heart stopped again ? What if his injured aorta started bleeding too ?

But he is treated for all of this. He has antibiotics, a vessel surgery and he is in the ICU. Nothing bad can happen.

Everything was so confused in my head, and the lack of sleep, added to hunger, didn't help me to clear up all that mess. So I let my instict drive me somewhere. The first place that came to my mind.

But it wasn't that easy to go out of the hospital. Many curious people,many fans were standing in front of the main door, hoping they would see me. Hoping they would see the widow.

Two security guards explained me where I should park in the future, and gave me a little card that allowed me to walk along the hidden corridors of this hospital. Then, they escorted me to my car, pushing away the journalists and fans, making sure I was safe. Happily, Impa brought me one of Link's hoddie, and I always had sunglasses in my purse, so those vulturs couldn't see my face. They couldn't see how tired, scared and sad I was.

'How's Link Farore ?', 'Is he dead ?', 'Will he be able to participate to the OG ?'

« Go to Hell. », I hissed, here, alone in my car, driving towards an unknow destination.

There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining more than ever. A beautiful weather for such an awful day.

A day we were supposed to spend together at the Sheikah. The place where we kissed for the first time.

I sighed, and tried to do those breathing exercises I used to do with him when I had panic attacks. So, I put my left hand on my chest, and applied a light pressure on it while I was breathing in and breathing out.

I want to be with you.

And I drove.

I drove for a long time. I drove until I couldn't think about anything else than the road in front of me. Turning right, or left sometimes, driving along the large roads of Hyrule Fields. Until I arrived in front of a weel-known place.

The Mansion.

Hino seemed surprised to see me in front of the large gates, but he greeted me with a smile – a real one this time – and let me enter the beautiful parc.

I drove along the well-known path, and let my car in front of the garage, knowing I won't stay there for a long time. Because my place wasn't here.

My place was next to him.

I hastly climbed the stairs, walked along the long corridor and stopped when I saw the large wooden door with its golden handles. I shyly touched the metal and wood, not knowing why I was there. And more than everything, if I had enough courage to open the door.

And, without any other thoughts, I lightly knocked at the door, before I put my hand on the handle and finally opened it.

Father was there, sitting at his desk, talking to a potential investor. He seemed surprised to see me in his office – something I never did, knowing he didn't want to be disturbed when he was working – but he didn't seem annoyed or upset. Quite the contrary, actually.

« Sorry, Mr. Linebeck, but I will call you later. Yes, next thursday will be perfect. Have a nice day. », Father said, which surprised me, before he hung up. « Zelda ? How are you dear ? »

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