Chapter 42 : Five minutes

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I spent a quiet night, compared to the others. Of course I had a bad dream about Toruma, but it was so much softer than usually – he was only talking to me, saying he will try to kill Link on the boxing ring – and I didn't awake my sleepy roommate. I was a bit proud of me, I admitted.

Speaking of him, he wasn't in bed with me when I woke up, probably already training.

7:15AM. How is it even possible ?

I chosed to stay in his bed a bit longer, burrying my head in his pillow, smelling his perfume.

It was like he was still with me, still cuddling me. I closed my eyes, dreaming of him, of his arms around me and, well, it seemed oddly real.

« Hey, sleepyhead. », I heard someone whispering in my ear.

I opened my eyes and saw him, his hair still wet with a bright smile crossing his face while he was lying next to me.

So it wasn't a dream after all.

« Hi. », I said before kissing him. « What time is it ? »

« Oh I'm fine thank you. What about you, Princess ? », he laughed, and I felt my face slowly turning red. « 8:03AM. »

« Sorry. I hope you spent a good training and a nice night. », I said, still half-sleeping. « And I'm fine, thank you. »

« The training was nice, the night too of course, even if you were pretty talkative. »

« What ? », I said, now fully awake. « What did I say ? »

« Well, it's more mumbles than real words but you said my name plenty of times. », he chuckled. « Oh don't be ashamed, that's super cute ! »

If I was already red, now I should be totally crimson. I put my two cold hands on my two hot cheeks, hoping it would grow them pale, but it only made Link laugh even more, and, of course, turn my cheeks in a deeper shade of red.

« You're absolutely adorable, do you know that ? », he said, his eyes locked in mine.

I sank in his ocean eyes. The tempest wasn't raging anymore, allowing me to explore this calm sea. I only saw his love for me, an unconditional love, making the butterflies in my stomach violently flying. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. A soft and tender kiss.

His wet hair was tickling my face, sometimes leaving a little drop on my skin here and there. He smiled at me when he wiped them, making me laugh a bit too.

I stood up, taking my vanity and clothes, ready to go to the bathroom while he kissed me one last time. I prepared myself, and wore a turtleneck as I tried to hide my dark bruises before going to his room.

« Oh, I kinda forgot to tell you, but Impa is currently sleeping on the couch. », he said while he was trying to tidy his room, again.

« Is she okay ? », I asked, a bit worried.

« Yes, she just drank way too much and she couldn't go back to her dorm. »

« You don't mind me if I go see her ? »,

« Course not. I'll join you a bit later, okay ? »

I raised my thumbs up and quickly went out of his room. I could hear loud snores in the corridor, telling me the boys were still sleeping, and went directly in the bathroom to take a medicine. I carefully went downstairs, trying not to slip on the empty bottles or deflated ballons.

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