Chapter 28 : Pressure

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I was in my bedroom, laying on my bed thinking about what just happened.

I argued with Father but this time I didn't lower my head. I started to use my voice, and he listened to me, he made a deal with me – an impossible one. But he didn't withdrew archeology.

No, that's not impossible. I alreayd had 100 on every test so I must continue to work the way I did since the beginning of the semester, and it will be okay.

Link was right. I had to raise my voice and not only endure every order. I had to assert myself. I had to show him who I am, and what I can do. Because he didn't know me at all. And he will finally see what I was made of.

I wasn't the spoiled child he thought I was. Oh no. I was courageous. I was hard-working, I was determinate, I was ready to do everything that was required to fulfill my dream.

That's how Link saw me. That's how he taught me to feel.

And, even if he paid me everything I wanted, I was the only one I could congratulate for my gardes, for my politess. Not him. Not anyone else. I'd been all alone, and I succeeded everything. I had been all alone my whole life. I had been all alone when I was at my worst. Until I sank in the deepest abysses of Link's mesmerizing blue eyes.

I truly want to talk to him.

I turned on my phone and saw many notifications on my screen. Mipha and Paya followed me, Link replied to my messages and @musici_an reacted to mystory : 'This song suits you well !'.

I went on this profile, wondering who it could be. I slapped my forehead with my hand when I saw a feed filled with instruments and concerts'pictures.

An, of course.

I followed him and replied to his message, telling him how sweet he was, before calling Link. And, of course, it didn't last long before he picked up.

« Hey. », I started. « How are you ? »

« Hey, princess. Fine, and even better now that I hear your voice. », he chuckled, making me blush. « You ? How did it go with your father ? »

« Fine, better now that I'm with you. », I said in a low voice, unable to cool down my face. « Well, it started pretty bad... »

« How come ? »

« You already know that he is a control freak ? »

« Oh, yeah, I kinda understood. », he chuckled.

« So, you see, he asked Dr. Gaepora to see my school file. », I continued, still bothered by this story.

« Is that even allowed ? »

« Oh Link, everything is allowed for him, you know ? », I sarcastically said. « The Hyrule's king, did you forget it. »

« Oh, yeah, of course. », he sighed. « Wait, does that mean that he... ? »

« Indeed. », I growled. « He discovered that I was double majoring. And he wasn't happy at all, as you can imagine. »

« How... ? »

« He told me that archeology was a waste of time, that I should stop considering economics as a childish game knowing I will had to rule BI one day. And no, I have no choice, of course, because that's my duty since the day I was born. »

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