Chapter 39 : Miss Perfect

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TW : harassement. If you're easily disturbed, just read the first part.

« Zelda is going to stay here. », Link started before he ate his first toast.

« I-I- I'll do some tasks here, or I'll pay a rent, it's just - », I immediately added.

« I hope everyone is okay with it. », he cut me.

He held my hand under the table, making sure I unstertood that he was by my side no matter what. And that he was ready to argue with his roomamates if they disagreed.

« Yeah, of course, I think we can't disagree. », Teba said, looking at Saki who was nodding with a bright smile.

« I would be pretty hypocritical if I said no. », Saki chuckled, and I admitted, I felt pretty relieved.

« Sure, if you want. », Bozai said, still blushing and avoiding my eyes.

They discreetly smiled at me before they continued their breakfast. Exept one of them.

Revali kept looking at me, his look full of desapproval. But I chosed to ignore him and took the toast Link offered me, under Revali annoyed gaze.

« Are you here because you kissed a guy and daddy wasn't really fond of this idea ? », Revali sarcastically asked, his arms crossed before his chest.

I froze, and felt Link getting tensed next to me. Bozai, Teba and Saki stopped eating too, and I didn't know if that was because of the incoming show, or if that was because they found him extremely rude. But they all stayed silent, anyways, so I bet on the first option.

« And is it because Termina is too far away from here that you chosed to stay with your first option ? », he added, killing me by the way.

I lowered my red head feeling so ashamed. Revali said what everyone else was thinking, and it was so far away from the reality. A reality no one knew. A reality everyone twisted.

« Revali ! », Saki shouted.

« Don't you think we already talked about this together ? », Link said in a cold tone.

« Oh, so you speak ? Wow. »

« You're such a cunt. », Link hissed.

« And you're naive. », Revali snapped back.

Revali shook his head and clicked his tongue, manifesting his desapproval. Everyone was looking at us, even Bozai lifted his head, but Link chosed to drop it off, considering this remark as something irrelevant.

I was so uncomfortable, knowing I was the reason why they were arguing right now, why Revali was annoyed and why Link felt bad and just got insulted.

I wasn't hungry at all, after that. I hesitantly had a look at Link's roommates and saw how they avoided to look at me. Only Link was nice with me, discretly caressing the back of my hand with his.

But... If I had to stay with them for some time – I already planned on renting a flat to be honest – I knew that I had to explain myself. I had to tell them the truth. Or a part of it, at least.

« One thing is true. », I started, feeling the tears coming back. « My father threw me away because of that picture. »

« You don't have to excuse yourself. », Link softly said.

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