Chapter 75 : My dear Zelda

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Nothing happened that night.

Link was already sleeping when I came back to our room. So, I tried to be as discreet as possible, not disturbing his peaceful sleep, and, as soon as I went under the sheets, his arms were holding me, allowing me to put my head on his chest. The cutest part of this was probably the fact that he always did it in an unconscious way.

That wasn't the kind of night I expected as our first boyfriend – girlfriend night.

The fresh air of that early Christmas morning helped me to wake up. The horses and cuccos were really hungry, and Link allowed me to give some apples to Majora, while he was sharing a little moment with Epona, caressing her neck in the middle of the field.

Even if he told me he was okay by living in the capital, I could see how much he loved living in the country, surronded by many animals, working at the farm and stuff like that. I surprised myself smiling when I thought about the possibility of buying a house in the countryside next to CastleTown, not too far from the university if I chosed to do a PhD but also close to the stadiums and the airport for him and his international career, giving him the possibility to bring Epona closer to us.

They were adorable together, a deep mutual respect emanated from both of them, and if they could share a quiet moment like this one, I already saw him playing with his mare, running with her, making her rear or bow if he asked her.

Mid was trying to get Link's attention, but he quickly understood that it was Epona's turn so the large grey wolfdoy ran towards me, begging for some scartches. And, knowing his favorite spot, I quickly put my hands behind his ears and strated scratching them.

« Oh yes you love it, Mid ! », I said in a high-pitched voice. « You're a good boy, buddy. But that time I won't let you come in the house dirty like that. Yes, buddy, you're completely dirty and yesterday I had to clean aaaaaaall the mess you'd made. Shake hands, Mid. »

The smart dog immediately gave me his left paw, and I couldn't help but smile, knowing Link was also left-handed.

« Good boy, Mid ! Very good ! », I said, petting him as my hands were buried in his thick fur. « You see ? Your paws are dirty ! So we have to clean them before you come home, alright ? »

« You're adorable Zel. », Link said, his eyes full of love. « I love seeing you around the animals, enjoying their company. It means a lot to me. »

« I didn't know I would be that comfortable around them, to be honest. », I chuckled, Mid in my arms, the dog licking my cheeks. « It's tickling ! »

« You'd never had animals at home ? », he said, helping me to stood up, ready to go home.

« Well, Mother had a cat when she was a college student, so I kinda had a cat when I was young. Mia, a little siamese who was the sweetest cat of the world. Well, until the sun sets. », I chuckled. « Then, she was a demon, leaping at us, hissing and stuff like that. So, at night, she was in her own room. »

« And you'd never seen a vet or something ? »

« Oh yes we did ! We did everything we could, and they never found anything but she was still extremely agressive at night. », I shrugged.

« I'm sure you fed her after midnight. », he chuckled. « Maybe she was a sort of Gremlin. »

« Maybe. », I laughed. « She really loved Mother, and Mia died two days before her. Well, that was a coincidence, she was a old cat, but that's still odd, isn't it ? »

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