Chapter 56 : Six seconds

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« I hate those boys ! », I shouted as soon as I came to our room, making Link jump in surprise.

« Holy shit you scared me, Zel ! What's happening ? »

« I think I can't handle those bad rumors anymore ! », I shouted again, slumping on the bed next to him.

« Is that because of what Kima said ? », he asked, caressing my hair.

« Yes ! », I mumbled, my head burried in his chest. « Seriously it's been two weeks since Halloween, he sould move on to something else ! »

« Ignore them, Zel. You already know he is a compulsive liar, and I know you didn't do anything with him. », he tried to comfort me, kissing the top of my head.

« Yes, I know. », I sighed. « But now it got blown out of proportion. »

« What do you mean ? », he asked, looking at me with a concerned look.

« Well... There's always been a constant whisper around me, some students pointing at me with their fingers, and others still betting on when they'll sleep with me but now... », I started, feeling extremely uncomfortable. « But now some are coming to me to ask me out, or just telling me that they can't wait to see me during another party, especially if I'm naked with them, and well, I turn them down you know, but sometimes they're really insistent and it makes me super uncomfortable. And they still come even if I'm with my friends and all ! Seriously ! »

« They're disgusting. », he sighed. « I wish I could help you, Princess... »

« I know that, and I know you can't and you have to endure this because of my stupid rules... »

« They aren't stupids. I understand that you want to introduce me to your father in a proper way and not because of some shitty rumors. », he said, holding me in arms.

« But sometimes I think that it would have been simpler if we were together publicly, at least they would all shut the fuck up. »

« Language. »

« Sorry. It's just so annoying ! », I shouted, now lying on my back, my head in my hands.

« I'm just kidding, princess. You can curse if you want to. », he chuckled.

« Oh and that lecture with Blight was awful. The awfulesterest in my opinion. »

« Awfulesterest ? Why ? »

« Well, he still does his tests and his lectures are always messy, but now he finds extremely funny to act in an inaproppriate way with me. »

« What ? », he said, visibly concerned. « What did he say ? »

« He doesn't say anything, it's just some glances when he's talking about... I don't know, a naked statue or something like that. And of course, everyone is discreetly laughing and he doesn't send them away. », I sighed. « Seriously nearly every girl in this room already hooked up with more than one guy and they're making fun of me while I'm still a virgin ! »

« Don't you want to report it to Dr. Gaepora ? »

« That's my word against his, and I'm sure Gaepora won't do anything except telling Blight that it's not correct. », I sighed. « Happily it's finally the week-end and I won't see those stupid boys during two days. »

« And just one week before locking yourself at the library to study two other weeks, and after that there will be the finals and finally winter break ! », he said, trying to cheer me up.

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