Chapter 99 : Breath of the Wild

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Father drove me to the hospital after that useless talk with Ganondorf.

I couldn't believe he didn't feel anything about what he'd done, and, worse than everything, that he was quite proud of it, that his only regret was that he didn't hurt us as bad as he wanted. But, despite his cold and somehow psychopathetic attitude, the fear in his eyes when he understood he just did the biggest mistake of his life didn't lie. How he tried to run away didn't lie. How he went to Hilda's house to say farewell to her and their relationship didn't lie. And his terrible words and awful grin couldn't hide his fear about his future.

Believe me, Ganondorf, I will make sure your future will be the most awful one ever.

Father didn't say a word about this talk at the visiting room, nor about the questioning at the police station. He knew it wasn't the right moment to reveal all of it, as everything will become crystal clear the day we would face Ganondorf in the court. But, he stayed with me, he silently showed me how he wanted to support me the best he could, even if he didn't know how to do it. And, maybe some people would want their parents to act different, I could tell that he was doing great. He was doing better than he ever did.

And he stayed with me at the hospital. He stayed with me and Link, sitting next to his bed, chatting with me but also with him about random things, just like I did. Of course Link didn't answer, but, being surronded by the two men of my life made me feel so much better. So much that I surprised myself by laughing with Father sometimes.

You can't imagine how bad I want you to wake up my love. Don't you see ? We'll finally be happy all together. Together with all of our friends and both of our families.

The Farore's came nearly an hour later, and we left as soon as Father and I saw them. Of course they told me that I could stay with them, but I knew how important it was for a family to stay together without any strangers – even if they kept telling me that I was a member of the family too.

It was so heartwarming to see how they accepted me, to see how they still liked me even if their son was in the hospital, struggling between life and death, but I didn't want to impose my presence on their family and being seen as a parasite. We were already living all together under the same roof at the Mansion, so, letting them in family was the least I could do.

Link would've told you to stay with them, you know ?

But Link was in a coma. And, maybe he would've also appreciated to stay with his parents and little sister.

So, Father went back to the Mansion with his own car and I chose to go to the dorms on my own. I wanted to take other clothes or other pictures that were on his wall, but, most of all, I wanted to see how the frat house and the girls were. So, I let them know that I was on my way, and they all told me that they'll wait for me in the house.

I parked my car where I used to do when I was still living there.

But, I'm still living here.

I stared at some students that were standing in front of the house, a bunch of flower in their hands, putting it on the altar they created for him. There was many flowers, many candles, many pictures of him and even more letters.

« For him. », one of the girls said between two sobs.

Her friend was rubbing her back, supporting her the same way we support someone during funerals.

Aren't you ashamed ?

« He is not dead, for Hylia's sake. », I hissed, while I was walking past them.

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