Chapter 90 : Losing him

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« Zel ! By Hylia I'm so happy to see you. », Saki exclaimed before she held me in her arms.

« Saki ! How are you ? How was your week-end at the spa ? »

« Lovely, very lovely. I didn't realise how bad my back hurt that bad before the masseur did the best massage of all times. What about you ? »

« Incredible. We spent the night in his new house. »

« So you finally saw it ! I'm so sorry I had to keep this secret ! », she chuckled.

« Don't worry, the surprise was worth everything. », I laughed too.« When did you come back ? »

« This morning. I had a day-off because I had my second echography ! »

« By the three goddesses Saki ! So you both know if it's a baby boy or a baby girl ! », I hastly asked and my smile grew larger when she nodded.

« I will tell you all tonight when everyone will be here. », she teased.

« Oh please ! »

« I won't give in to your caprice. », she firmly said before bursting into laughter.

« Wow. No doubts, you'll be a great mum. », I said, a bit frightened before I laughed with her. « I can't wait to know ! »

We both stayed a bit on the couch, talking about everything and anything patiently waiting for the boys to come back. And Teba was the first one to came back in the house.

He greeted me with a smile before he slowly massaged his lover's shoulders and kissed her cheek. He asked me some things about the Link's house and seemed pretty interested in my answer even if he was doing something else. Chatting with us while taking care of her, seeing his friends and having his student's life while getting ready to be a father, embrassing his youth even if he will have to protect his future baby.

I was really admirative. And sometimes I couldn't help thinking it was the kind of relation I'd always dreamt of. Knowing your soulmate since your childhood, falling in love and growing old together, having the purest relationship ever. They never hurt the other, they never lied to each other, they never fell for someone else because their love was stronger than everything. And now they were here, expecting their first baby together, feeling their love growing inside her, being impatient to finally see his or her face.

In comparison, my relation with Link was a complete chaos. Between the too many attacks we both endured, how we lied to everyone, our break and the too many rumors everyone was spreading on us – now they all thought he cheated on me with a girl named Valentine... – that wasn't the kind of relation I was dreaming of.

But we loved each other despite everything and everyone. He kept proving me everyday how much he loved me, that I was the only one he saw, and I did the exact same thing.

Everything wasn't only black or white, but a billion shades of grey. Our relation wasn't perfect, but I wouldn't change a thing. My life wasn't perfect, but I was who I was because of it. We both met for a reason, was it because we were two soulmates ? Or because our destiny were tangled together ? No one knew. Not even us. But we knew one thing, as long as we'll be alive, no one could never separate us.

Speaking of him, he was still at his training, knowing he will have to fight against TU next week. I tried to hide it the best I could, but I couldn't help being scared. Of course I was scared for him, knowing he will have to fight against many well-trained fighters, but also for me. Because he will be there. I didn't really know if I'll see him, but I was pretty sure he will look for me, he will try to find me, as a hunter tracking its prey.

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