Chapter 2 : Encounter

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A sophomore student showed us the whole campus, the different buildings – all looking alike –, the library – where I already knew I would spend all my time –, the cafeteria, the stadium – my worst nightmare where I will never put a single foot –and where were the dorms. He also gave us some advise, such as 'Don't waste your time in class, sometimes it's good to have a break', or 'You can go to your class even if you're still completely wasted, allthe professors here are used to it. Just, don't throw up in class, Henya would scold you'. Very wise, in my opinion.

Then, I went to my first lecture of the day rightafter the campus' visit, in economics unfortunately. Most of the students who were having a look around with us chosed to follow our tutor's advise and went to the dorms, or stayed in the parc, synthesizing some vitamin D. Impa had her first law course, not even in the same building as mine. And, I admitted, I felt a bit lost when she left me alone in this too huge campus. There was too many people, and, I knew that was stupid but I couldn't help feeling completely anxious when I heard them chatting together, or laughing.

They can't know me. They are just talking about random thing I don't care of. Of course they aren't making fun of me, or judging me because I was Father's daughter. How could they know ?We were way too many in this school, and that was the first day of class ! There was too many new faces for the olders, and even more for the freshmen just like me.

I sat in the first row, and tried to focus on something else than my anxiety. Maybe if I couldn't see them it wil lbe easier ? So I unpacked my bag, took my papers, pencils and tried my best not to pay attention to the other students who were coming inthe room. The lecture hall was extremely huge too, and  I couldn't even know how much we were. Fifty ? One hundred ? Too much for me, for sure.

I shook my head and started listening to my professor as soon as he started talking. To my mind, if I listened carefully to that lesson, I woudn't have to put much effort to learn it on my own. And if I could save time for the other lessons – the archeology ones – that would be a blessing. I really wanted to have time to read all the amazing books they have in that extraordinary library, learning so much more than what my professors wanted to give me, resolving some of the mysteries of that world. Because that was passionnating. Not that awful lesson about market economy.

Please, I already know that since I was a child. That was Father's only topic of conversation, if he wasn't scolding me for nothing.

Finally, it ended after a never-ending moment. I hastly put my books, pencils and everything I used dring this hour in my bag and came out the room. Many students were already chatting together, some of them were older than me, not even majoring in economics if I correctly heard what they were saying, and I sincerely wondered how that was even possible to delibarately chose a credit like this one. Seriously, that was boring. Even the professor was falling asleep !

Well, I lowered my head, hoping no one would see me while I was walking along the long corridor. The white walls  were sometimes interrupted by a large black and metallic door where another lecture was hidden.

Even if the lesson wasn't really interesting, the building was pretty beautiful. The ceiling was extremely high above our heads, and the vaulted roof and windows made me think of a temple or something. A temple of knowledge.

The temple of boredom.

I shouldn't think that way. HU was a prestigious school and the economics section was really reputed. I wasn't fond of it, that was all. And I would never questionned our teatchers' capacity, or the value of my future diploma.

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