Chapter 11 : Stop following me

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Time flew so fast this week-end that I only realised this morning that it was already monday. I didn't see neither An nor Link this sunday, unfortunately.

I could work on my own, not disturbed by anyone as everyone was either at the lake, either at their parent's home, either at the dorm. Of course, everyone was chilling and relaxing while I was still working here. Because I had a dream, and I would do everything that was needed to succeed.

The sun was already high in the sky, and its sunrays warmed my bare skin up. I was only wearing a light tank top and a short, but I wasn't cold at all, even if I was sitting on the cold marble stones of my balcony.

September starts very well.

I accorded to myself a moment outside, meditating, smelling the scent of the flowers under my balcony, and synthetizing vitamin D. Studies said it was good for the mood and brain and I hoped it was true.

New week, new challenges. Assessments start today and I have to be equal with the ambitions Father has.

I stood up and headed to the bathroom. I came inside the dark marble shower and let the hot water clear up all my thoughts. I always loved feeling the burning water on my skin, cutting my running mind by focusing on that sensation on my body. Feeling like I could finally enjoy a moment of inner silence, of inner peace without all those running and bad thoughts that were tiring me.

Relaxed – and clean – enough, I carefully exited the hot and humid place and took a comfy bathrobe. I had a look at the foggy mirror, did a light make-up before I detangled my long golden hair before braiding them as I usually did.

Mother taught me how to do that when she was still alive, and, even if I only had few memories of my extreme childhood, I perfectly remembered how we used to laugh together while she was showing me how to do it, and me, complaining because I found it extremely hard.

And now, I do it every single day for nearly ten years. And I get faster each year.

I grabbed a pastel blue dress and a pair of black Vans before looking at my clock. 7:45AM.

By Hylia, I'm already late for my first lecture !

I started running down the stairs, grabbed my keys and drove as fast as I could on the road. So, my meditation on the balcony was completely useless by now, as I was complely stressed out.

I always hated being late. 'Being on time is already being late', as Father always told me – well, scolded me – when I was young, and now I was constantly stressed out when I wasn't at least five minutes early. Another insecurity Father gave me.

What if I arrived while everyone was already focused on the lecture ? What if I disturbed everyone ? What if they started hating me because of that ? By Hylia, I can't be late ! This is the most disrespectful thing on earth !

I hastly parked my car. Unfortunately the parking was far from the building where I had my first lecture and I had to run as fast asI could along the too many cars that were parked here, along the beautiful parc – that I couldn't admire today – and along the endless corridor of the history building. There was many sculptures, many paintings and an amount of portraits of historical figures on the walls, but once again, I didn't have enough time to read the little notes next to them.

I came in the lecture hall completely out of breath, already sweating, feeling my heart ready to explode in my chest.

Seriously, I should start jogging or doing some sports again. I only ran for five minutes and I feel like I'm dying !

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