Chapter 21 : First kiss

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As I came home, I kept thinking about that evening, a foolish grin on my face. My brain repeated he scene over and over. The time we shared together, the skills I learnt – giving me confidence to be honest – and how he held me in his arms, how he touched my hand while he was holding it. And more than this, how I felt when he held me, how my cheeks were blushing, how my heart was racing and how the butterflies were flying inside my stomach.

Did he feel it too ?

I was sure he did. Because he asked me out for a date. A date ! He wanted to see me again, just him and I, alone. No other students, no coaches around us. Just us in an empty building at night without anyone to disturb.

Well, that sounds a bit creepy.

But, in fact, I felt at ease. I trusted him.

He saved me once, he took care of me not only that night, but also the ones that followed, he stood by my side even when I was on my knees and he gave me that first self-defense lesson, hoping it will help me to feel better. I knew deep inside me that I had nothing to worry about.

Father will kill you if he knew you were about to date a boy.

But Father won't be there until the end of the week. And maybe Link won't want to date me again. I meant, we only spent time together when something happened : when he had a fight against Ganondorf, during that awful friday night, during his archery training and today during his lesson. I knew he wanted to give me a private self-defense lesson, but maybe we won't only stay at The Sheikah ? And maybe he will see me as a boring person as soon as we'll exit the dojo ? Or worst, a seventeen years-old girl without any experience, who was discovering life and who was totally useless ?

If it happens, you'll stay alive and him too. It's not that bad ?

I sighed, and walked to my bathroom – my favorite place to think about nothing or everything – hoping the hot water would clear up my thoughts. The burning water used to cut my mind, at least for a short time, and for me that was a moment of contemplation. A moment when I could finally enjoy the silence and the silence of an empty head, of an apeased mind.

But it didn't work and after my shower I was still thinking about his arms around my waist, his thumbs on my hand and how pathetic I was compared to him.

He is a famous, naturally-gifted athlete who already won many medals, even in the Olympics. And I don't know how to run without falling.

He is courageous while I am weak, crying and sobbing when something happens in my life.

He stays afloat between his lectures, trainings and extra-scholar work while I feel like I'm drowning even though I only have to deal with my courses.

I turned the water off, my skin completely red because of the steaming water. I wrapped my body in a comfy bathrobe and opened my dressing room.

Prima washed Link's sweater so I took it and wore it, even if it didn't smell like him anymore, I feel like it was my shield.

I took my phone, already craving for him, and quickly typed a little text.

'Thank you for tonight, it was very cool. You're a very good teacher, I feel like I'm ready to beat some mean boys up !', and I didn't have time to put my phone on my bed before I heard it ringing once more.

If I was already smiling because of the silly text I sent him, I could tell it grew larger as I was wondering that he was waiting for my text. I unlocked my phone and laughed when I read what he sent me.

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