Chapter 36 : No one will never know

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TW : violence, death. If you're easily disturbed, skip the first Link's POV and the Zelda's POV italic part.

Link's POV.

Everyone was screaming our names. But, except him, except his filthy words, nothing mattered.

He was walking along the ring, flexing his shoulders, his awful grin on his face, too proud of what he told me. He knew that he couldn't attack me here. But he knew that talking about her would make me lose my mind. He knew that talking about her, telling me that he attacked him once more would make me lose concentration. Because he saw how bad I defended her in the alley. He saw that I cared about her even if we weren't dating yet.

So, he kept walking around me, licking his wound as if it was a trophy. As if she did it to him and he could still feel her taste on his lips.

But she's not there.

« Oh Farore, don't look at me that way. », he said, still smiling. « This Pretty Girl was walking here, all alone. I couldn't let the princess without any company, that would've been mean, don't you think ? »

She didn't come here. She didn't see him. She didn't meet him again.

« But, yeah, things took a... pleasurable turn. I hope you won't mind that I kinda spent a good time with your target. », he laughed.

I clenched my fists, ready to attack him even if the fight hadn't started yet. Which made him mock me even more.

« So you mind it. Damn, I'm sorry man. », he faked being sorry. « But that was so good. »


I jumped on him and punched his face. Twice. Even if the ring didn't tell us it was okay for us to fight.

« Boys, stop. », the refree shouted. « You'll have all the time you need when the clock will ring. »

« Can't wait. », Toruma said, his evil grin still stuck on his face, even if his nose was now bleeding.

Yes, I can't wait to finally beat your ass off, fucking bastard.

Around us, our public was whistling, booing and screaming. Because they liked it. They liked seeing that violence, that blood, and even more if one of the TU student finally make a HU student lose his temper.

And the clock finally rang.

I jumped on him again, as I wanted to be the first one to strike. As I wanted to show him that I'll keep defending her even if she hadn't been there. That I'll keep defending her pride even if he didn't touch her. Because no one could talk about her that way.

I punched his jaws with all my strenght, adding another cut on his lips, but his head didn't make a single move. Nor he didn't lift his arms to shield his body. And worse than everything, his smile grew even larger.

« I knew it ! », he bursted into laughter.

Holy shit ! Shut up !

« I knew she was your target but this... », he said, licking his new wound. « This is the proof that you're totally in love with her. »

He mocked me, and I hit him again while he didn't even try to defend himself. He knew that his words were doing a better job than his fists.

« But I hope the knight in shining armor won't mind that the monster's been there before him. »

I grabbed his shoulders and gave him a dead leg in the stomach. He seemed surprised, and his body finally moved, allowing me to punch his face once more before I tripped him off and started strangling him.

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