Chapter 5 : A long night

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I opened my eyes at the break of dawn and got ready for that new day. Then, I went to the ground floor, but Father was nowhere to be seen. He might be at work, as usual. Well, I ate something, all alone just as yesterday, and it didn't last long before I turned on the engine and drove along the alley that led me out of the house.

I had a last look at the rearview mirror, seeing the glourious and somehow terrifying mansion that was standing behind me, overlooking at me, judging me. And I already dreaded the moment when I will meet him once more.

But I didn't have much time to think of it, as I already arrived at HU and I went to my first lecture of the day. History. Happily something I liked and not one of those awful economics lectures I had to endure.

I was sitting at the first row, the lecture hall completely full of students. The teacher started to speak, explaining us something about how the ancient civilisations created the numbers and mathematics when Link arrived in the classroom. I didn't know he was also sharing that class with me, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest, my cheeks furiously burning and throat becoming completely dry.

He sat next to me, to my left to be precise, and I saw his hair was still wet, some drops were falling from his bangs, not helping his writing to be understandable. He was wearing a black t-shirt that revealed his thin but powerful muscles, and a black trouser with the same Nike he was already wearing yesterday. He tilted his head, looking at me and locked his eyes on mine.

I dove into them feeling the time freezing around us, and I let them swallow me, consume me. I could sense this reassuring feeling I felt earlier, I could feel safe, feel home, as if I knew him for ever.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but no sound could be hear. Was he silent ? Did I really get annoyed because of a disability ? What a monster...

« You can talk to me », I say in a low voice.

He tried to say something again, but no sound could be hear again and I sighed. He grabbed my hand, and I was kinda surprised by his touch. A light touch, just like a warm caress, like a feather. And I wanted it to last forever.

He closed his mouth, and smiled without breaking the eye contact, nor releasing my hand. My cheeks were burning and I felt some butterflies flying in my stomach. He caressed my hand with his thumbs and that soft contact apeased me immediately, even if he was still devouring me with his eyes.

He took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. I leant towards him to see what was written. I screamed in horror and released his hand as soon as I saw it.

'Stop stalking me, you creep.'

I woke up, heavily breathing and sweating. Drops of sweat were trickeling down my face, sticking my hair to my face, while some others were running along my spine. I started shivering in my wet pajama, feeling the cold and humid sheets on me.

I turned on the light and looked at my clock, 4:32AM. My room was now bathed by this warm light but I could see how dark the sky was outside. I stayed a bit in bed, calming my nerves and racing mind, not knowing what just happened.

What was that ? What a strange dream...

I wiped all those drops away before I stood up and grabbed my dressing gown, searching for some warmth. I was so sticky and cold, that was nearly terrifying, and yes, extremely unpleasant. I hastly went to my dressing room, taking a new t-shirt and short before I went back in my room and opened the bay window.

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