Chapter 22 : We can try again later

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He leaned back, smiling like a fool and looking at me tenderly. His thumb was caressing my cheek before he kissed me once more. A shy kiss where I could sense all of his love for me, all of his happiness, and how much he waited for it. A shy kiss that didn't last long enough in my opinion.

I got closer to him, furiously blushing. A bright smile was crossing my face, not able to realise what we'd just done.

By Hylia, we kissed ! I kissed him ! I kissed the boy that dated me !

He put his left arm around my waist while his right hand was caressing my shoulder. His fingers were caressing my bare skin, giving me goosebumps while I put my head on his shoulder. I took a moment to smell his perfume, to hear his heartbeats, to feel his heat against my body. Then, he took my hand with his and we intertwined our fingers, slowly touching the back of my hand with his thumb.

Oh please, I hope it'll never stop.

I felt his head moving above mine, right before I could feel the sweet touch of his lips on the top of my head. Of course I blushed and cuddled him even more, not already used to that kind of contacts.

But I think I will get used to it sooner than expected.

His hand left my bare skin to start playing with my hair, until I sensed his fingers touching the back of my neck softly. I couldn't help but lifted my head and placed my hands in his hair, kissing him once more.

« You know I can go to jail for doing it ? », he said in a low voice before lightly laughing.

« Oh, please ! Stop fooling me ! », I joined him laughing, gently hitting his stomach.

« By Hylia, what a strenght ! I don't know how I will recover from this ! »

He was looking at me, his eyes detailling my face while he was smiling like a fool. And of course I was too.

« You know, if I had to go to jail because I'd kissed you, I would've done it a billion times. »

I flushed once more, burrying my face in his neck, hoping he wouldn't see it.

« Happily you can kiss me without any consequence. »

« The only consequence is that I want to kiss you even more. », he chuckled, and I felt my face turning in a deeper shade of red. « You're so cute when you're blushing. »

He pulled me closer to him, his hands leaving my shoulder to my back, gently pressing it. And he kissed me. A soft and tender kiss for several minutes, sensing his left hand brushing my back then my waist, while his right hand was on my cheeks before it reached my hair. I grabbed the back of his neck, playing with his ponytail, hoping it would last a bit longer.

I felt his smile against my lips, and I smiled too. My heart was still pounding in my chest, and butterflies were flying in my stomach before he broke the kiss.

But that was for the best, as he lied on his back again and started brushing my back with his fingertips. I put my head on his chest, and took his right hand, our fingers now intertwined. He immediatly brushed my fingers with his thumb and held me by my waist softly.

I can't believe I'm cuddling him. I can't believe we're more than friends. I can't believe I did something like that !

I could hear his calm heartbeats, allowing them to sooth me. A regular rhythm, slower than mine, perfectly accorded to our calm breaths and his hands' back and forth movement. A perfect symphony.

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