Chapter 6 : An

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I parked my car far from the main building, which didn't help me to feel better. I thought I was already late and walking behind all of those students – who were as fast as a turtle – annoyed me a lot. I tried to calm my nerve as well as possible and not to pay attention to any of them but that was so hard. There was so many people here, and they were so slow, how was that even possible ? Weren't they stressed out to potentially disturb the lecture ?

Please, I just want to go to my lecture hall, sat at my place and listen to that stupid law course.

Well, maybe they were fine with the idea of being late and annoying everyone, especially one of them. Mister I-have-beautiful-eyes-but-because-of-me-you-didn't-sleep-at-all was perfectly okay with that. Because he seemed okay with nearly everything, not paying attention to any other student, not giving a damn about respect and stuff like that.

No, that was something the athletes like him didn't know. Because there was only them, their ego, their trophies and stupid sport. Nothing else mattered, and certainly not the others' will.

You're so annoying. You're so annoying with all of your prices, all of your trophies and your arrogance. You can have the name of a goddess, you're nothing else than a brainless and arrogant athlete.

When I finally came in the huge lecture hall, I started to unpack my bag, looking for my laptop.

By Hylia's name, don't tell me I forgot it at home.

I searched in my bag, put all of my things on my table and verified once more if it wasn't hidden in one of its too many pockets. But it wasn't.

Great. Another great new that lightened my mood. I forgot it. Congratulations Zelda, you're one of the best student of this school, you know ?

My notebook with my pens would be enough. I meant, I already did it yesterday, so it will be just fine, no ?

I organized my table with all the pens I will need for that lecture. Black to write all the things the teacher said, red to underline the important notions, and a yellow marker for the absolute necessities.

I opened my notebook and wrote the title of the course and the date. Being organized had always been one of my strenght – even if I couldn't say so today – and I'd never let any paper without a date or a title in my organizer. That was a non-sense ! How was I supposed to know what did I do this or that day, and organize my learning schedule if I couldn't know if I had that lecture on monday or thursday ? But it didn't seem to stress out some of my classmates who didn't bring anything. Not even a pen.

« Hey princess ! », a voice shouted behind me.

« Impa, don't call me that way. », I scolded her without directly looking at her.

« I'm happy to see you too. », she continued. « And I will continue as long as you call me Impout, Princess ! »

« But Impout is cute. Princess is so... »

« Egocentric ? »

« Yes ! That's horrible ! », I complained.

« Alright, alright, Miss Bosphoramus. », she chuckled, sitting next to me. « I hope you don't mind me if I bring someone else. »

« No, of course not. Who's that ? », I asked, looking at the boy she was pointing at with her finger.

I had to lift my head and nearly look at the roof to finally catch who was her classmate – well, one of her new friends if I could say so. And I saw a – very – tall boy, with mid-long burgundy hair tied in a bun. He had bright hazel eyes and a – very – bright smile. He seemed pretty comfident about himself. Well, he could be comfident, I mean, he was nearly 2m, extremely muscular, likable and, judging by his t-shirt, he was in the swimming team.

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