Chapter 16 : Writing down my thoughts

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I opened my eyes in the morning, feeling well-rested. Something I didn't know I could feel again.

My headphones were tangled under me and my phone was still playing the playlist. I should have fallen asleep listening to it. At least it was efficient, but I didn't know if I could use them anymore. Whatever, I stretched my body and walked towards my window, not hearing the storm anymore.

I opened my curtains, and got blind by the sudden amount of light that filled my room. Outside, the sky was filled with white clouds, but we can see sunrays here and there.

Maybe it will be a good day ?

The sun seemed to be high in the sky, and I couldn't help wondering what time it was. I just hoped it wasn't the afternoon, I had so much things to do.

No. Link told you to have some rest today. Sleeping as long as you wanted was a good thing and if you want to do nothing that will be fine.

I took myphone, ready to text Link, knowing he was probably waiting for some news. I hoped so, in any case. My fingers typed a little 'I'm awake. Thank you for the playlist it really helped me'.

« Zelda ! », a deep voice loudly said.

« Yes ! », I shouted, putting a robe over my nightshirt to cover my bruises. « I'm coming ! »

I went down the stairs, and saw him in front of the main door with his suitcase. I looked at him interogatively even if I already knew what it meant.

« Hello, dear. », he started. « How are you today ? »

« Fine, thank you. What about you ? »

« Fine. », he said, touching the leather of his suitcase, probably a bit rid off all those formalities between us.

« Are you leaving ? », I asked, while his favorite gatekeeper – who was also the one I hated most – took all of his bags.

« Exactly. », he responded, looking at his chauffeur who was putting everything in the large trunk of his Rolls Royce. « I have to go to Tokyo, for business. I'll be back at the end of the week. »

« I'm sure you will make a good deal down there, as usual. » I said with a smile while I nodded, hoping he will be nicer with me.

« During my absence, no parties here or anywhere else, no grades under ninety and, of course, no boys. You already know the rules. », he said, and at this moment I saw my little hopes crashing on the ground.

I nodded again, not saying any other word. I tried to be nice with him but it ended the same way as usual. Without any kind words from him.

« Great. I'm sure you were already working at your desk. », he said, and I stayed silent, lowering my gaze.

I felt so ashamed. So ashamed for having disappointed him once more. Because, even if he was just looking at me, I quickly understood he knew what my silence meant. And seeing his eyes tinted by deception killed me a bit more.

« Zelda... don't tell me you just woke up ? », he sighed and that time I nodded, lowering my head even more. « Zelda, it's not a serious behaviour ! You know, economics need rigor and hard-work. Do you understand ? You'll be the next BI's CEO, you have to be ready for it. And waking up at 1PM isn't appropriate. »

« Yes, Father. », I answered.

He stayed silent, and I could feel his eyes on me, judging me as they used to do since my childhood.

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