Chapter 24 : As if nothing happened

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I spent my night dreaming of him and our date, finding the bed too large and too cold for me. I held his sweater tightly, burrying my head inside, smelling his perfume while I was craving for his arms all night long.

If only Father didn't come back tonight...

Speaking of him, he mustn't know I was dating Link. Considering Father was a famous personnality in Hyrule, working with many businessmen across the country – across the world in fact –, many HU's students must know him, and probably me too. And if they told their parents they saw me with 'The' athlete of the campus, I would sign my own death warrant. And his too.

But... We were dating. And being together in public was something we should do, no ? And I was sure he would love being with me in HU, he would love spending his whole day with me. Just as I would love too.

But it's not worth to. Our safety was more important than a public relationship.

« Why is that so complicated ? », I sighed and looked at my clock : 6:50AM.

Well, time to get up, I think.

I quickly got ready and drove my car to HU, hoping that Hyrule's history would change my mind. But, on my way to the campus, I couldn't help thinking about us, about our current situation. Yes, we were dating, and yes, I was breaking one of the Bosphoramus' Commandements. Two incompatible things. And I already knew how this would go.

Father will win. Because Father always won everything. He used to be a shark in business, a ruthless leader, someone who always got what he coveted. And keeping me under control was his obsession.

No. Link and I shouldn't show to the world that we were dating. We should stay discreet about what was currently happening between us. And, maybe that was a sort of 'one night stand' yesterday ? Maybe he won't want to see me anymore. Maybe he will stay silent, as he used to be.

No, he won't. Didn't you see the texts he sent you yesterday ?

Of course I did. I was right, I should stop overthinking. He dated me, and he told me he wanted to see me again. And now I should tell him that our 'relation' should stay hidden, that it was a secret.

I hope he won't be mad at me.

I parked my car. The parking slot was empty, which wasn't a suprise. Impa told me she was going to a party yesterday, so maybe everyone was still sleeping – or sobering up. And, even if nothing happened yesterday at the dorms, it was 7:40AM. Of course everyone was under the sheets.

I took my back and started to go to the library. The temperature was a bit cooler than those past days, making me shiver a bit, and I couldn't help thinking that it would've been so much better if I was wearing his sweater.

I heard someone calling my name, stopping my running mind. I turned my head towards the voice, and saw the man that was constantly in my thoughts, covered by sweat, waving at me. A bright smile was crossing his face, and his blue eyes were full of joy, and, somehow, playful.

« Hey ! Early workout ? »

« Hey. Yes, I like running when everyone's asleep. Pretty easy considering there's a party every friday. », he chuckled. « How are you ? »

« Fine and you ? »

« Sweaty, but fine. », he said, wiping the sweat that was running along his face. « I missed you yesterday. »

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