Chapter 10 : My amazing teammate

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I couldn't help thinking about what happened yesterday as soon as I was alone in my room. Getting ready to go to bed didn't really helped me to stop reharshing that story.

I saw him earlier in the afternoon with Mipha who was probably his girlfriend and who healed him, making him promise he won't do anything reckless, and nearly five hours later he was covered of blood, getting hurt because of a TU student and, right after, he was in my car, chatting as if we both knew each other for a long time.

In one hand I was glad I had cleared up the situation between us, knowing he understood why did I have a look at his account or why did I stare at him and most of all, that I finally heard the sound of his voice. But, the sound of the hits, the sound of him coughing and groaning, the memory of his face covered by blood and bruises were stuck in my mind. And more than everything, how Ganondorf looked at me angrily, detailingmy face with his awful yellow eyes, making sure he would never forget our faces.

Something was really disturbing. And that was probably because of the young girl who pled him to stop, before following him like his shadow. A shadow with red eyes. And empathy, judging by her glances when Ganondorf looked at us.

Why a girl like her was with a guy like him ? She didn't seem to share his point of view about how to resolve a problem, nor she didn't seem to really enjoy seeing her boyfriend beating up somebody else. Not that I think someone truly enjoys it, but I already know it doesn't bother some girls...

And of course I dreamt of it during the night. The smell of blood filled my nose while the only thing I could hear were those awful painful moans, sometimes followed by his cough. We were just the two of us in the alley, and right after I helped him to stand up, he lifted his head up, having a look at the moon above us.

But it wasn't the moon. This silver and reassuring celestial body was replaced by something that terrified me. Two yellow eyes, watching us, making sure they didn't miss any of our moves, making sure we could feel their evil aura all the time.

Why do I always spend bad nights when I see you ? Why are you contanstly tormenting me ?

I splashed some cold water on my sleepy face, hoping it could wake me up a bit. But, except being completely red, it didn't do anything.

Whatever. A coffee would be enough.

I quickly got ready, wearing a light and comfortable outfit before going downstairs, fearing to see Father. I always hated seeing him after an argument, and regarding how many times it happened a week, I could tell I was pretty nervous everytime I was walking in the Mansion. Maybe that was one of the reasons why I was constantly spending my free-time at the library ? Because if I was down there I was convinced I wouldn't see him for a complete day.

But it made me sad. Thinking that way made me sad.

It made me sad because I'd always wanted to have a normal father and daughter relationship with him. I'd always wanted to spend time with him or doing things together without being anxious. What if we could have a lunch together without shouting at each other? What if we could talk about random things without being scolded for not being the daughter he wanted me to be ? What if we could like each other ?

But the fact was : we couldn't. How could he love me if he never tried to know me ? How could he love me if he only saw me as a heir and not somebody with her own dreams and fears ? How could he ever consider me as the human I was if he never tried to spend time with me, if didn't even try to talk to me, if he didn't even try to change his mindset ?

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