Chapter 50 : Pillow talk

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I quickly joined Link and Malon who were still talking about horses, how many were there and the incoming ones.

My friend looked at me with a smile and told Malon that we initially came here to pick up pumpkins. I was glad he didn't forget our purpose, and felt lighthearted by the idea of us together chosing a pumpkin, laughing and making a good soup at home, far from that girl. But, all my hopes turned into ashes when she offered us her help.

I wanted to refuse, of course, but my friend joyfully accepted, grinning ear to ear. And Malon's cheeks slightly turned red when she saw how delighted he was to spend a moment with her.

Calm down, she's just his friend, nothing more.

But, as soon as we started walking, she took the lead of the conversation, informing my friend about the changes they made in the ranch. And I ended up all alone behind them. Again.

The third wheel, uh ?

At this moment, I was so disappointed that I had no old male friends. Just to make him feel what I was feeling right now. How painful and heartbreaking it was.

That's mean. Don't think that way.

We entered the field and Link held the gate for me, waiting for me to come around the pumpkins to set it free.

Well, at least you still take care of me.

« So you see, the color of this one is vivider, and if you smell there... », she explained, her and Link's noses above the stem.« You are in the pumpkin. »

« You're right. We'll take this one. », he said with a smile. « Where did you learn all of this ? »

« You might know my friend Kina ? She doesn't live in CastleTown anymore but she is a fount of knowledge about pumpkins. », she laughed. « Do you want another one ? »

Yes, but just him and I.

« Yeah sure ! We follow your lead ! », he chuckled as I tried to hide my despair.

And just like the last time, she led us in the field, telling us how to recognize the best pumpkin and finally sold it to us.

I told her I could take the large vegetable to the car, hoping she would leave us alone and finally talk to another customer but she insisted to carry it. So, once again, Link and Malon were walking in front of me, laughing together about the weight of their cucurbit while I was behind them, all alone.

Can't you just leave us alone ?

She was looking at him sometimes, her cheeks fully red as soon as he smiled at her. And, the worst thing in it was that he didn't seem to really notice it, and she kept that annoying honeyed tone until they arrived in front of my car.

« Wow Farore, what a nice car ! », she said with a big whistle. « I didn't know fencing was that remunerative ! »

Maybe you want to go home with us Malon ? Maybe you want to sleep in his bed while I'm sleeping on the couch all alone ?

« It's not mine, but Zelda's. », he chuckled. « I'm not that rich, you know ? »

« You have a very beautiful car, Zelda ! », she said and I saw she meant it.

« Thank you, Malon. », I kindly said while I opened the trunk.

Link put his vegetable first before he helped her. And I didn't like how close they were, how they were laughing together, how she was blushing when he touched her arms when she nearly make the vegetable fall on the ground. But I didn't say anything.

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