Chapter 86 : What are your intentions with my daughter ?

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Zelda's POV.

I was nervous today. But that was nothing compared to Link. He tried to hide it the best he could, but his body couldn't lie.

He woke up earlier than usual, he trained twice as much as usual, and he couldn't stay still at home. Cooking, cleaning, working on his lectures - which was super unusual - , everything that could avoid him to think of tonight's dinner was worth taking. Even the boys noticed it, and everytime they asked him if everything was okay, he kept saying 'yes of course, why ?', but just like me, they didn't truly believe in his words.

But I couldn't blame him. This dinner was a big event in our life and in our relationship, because Father will finally meet the man who shared my life for four months. Well, they already met in Oslo last week, but Link didn't tell Father that he was my boyfriend, as he rather wait for tonight. But, the fact that Father trusted him enough to let him keep an eye on me put too much pressure on his shoulders. And of course, knowing he already betrayed him didn't help him relax.

He already told me Father scared him a bit. Not because he'd always been mean towards me, but because he was my father and the most powerful man of the world, a merciless businessman who was a professor at the university he was currently working in. And because a thin part of them admired each other, even if they will never admit it.

I tried to focus on the novel I was reading, nervously waiting for night to fall and feeling my stress growing inside me every minutes, but I couldn't. As soon as I read a sentence, I forgot it, so I had to read it at least two times to finally understand what was currently happening. And seeing Link completely nervous next to me, watching something on his phone, then walking in our room, then sitting down again, didn't really help me to calm down.

« For Hylia's sake, Link, can you stop moving for more than one minute ? », I finally said, making him sit next to me, but once again, he couldn't stop moving his legs.

« Sorry Zel. Maybe I should have a shower ? »

« Yes ? If you want ? I mean, go on. », I shrugged. « You clearly have time. »

He nodded, looking in our room as if he was completely lost, but he kissed my forehead before he left me alone. But being alone in our room didn't really help me focus on my reading.

Whatever, I will have time to read later.

I sighed and closed my novel, but as soon as I didn't have anything to focus on, my stress came back and, just as he did before, I started to nervously walk without any goal.

5:42PM, why is time moving so slow ?

But, did I really wanted to go there ? Well, yes, because we will finally live like a real couple together, and knowing some students were gossiping about what happened during New Year's Eve, wondering if we were truly together or if he just cheated on his girlfriend with me during the party, made me think it was the good time for us to reveal to Father who was that mysterious boyfriend. But in the other hand, I clearly hoped Father will accept him despite his little lie. Because, Father asked him to make sure I was safe, which was something he was doing ? Wasn't it ?

I just hope they won't shout at each other tonight. I just hope Father will accept him. I just hope I won't have to run away once more. I just hope I can be happy with the two men of my life.

Link came back in our room, only wearing his black trousers. He was completely shirtless, and I couldn't help staring at his really attractive body, his muscles slowly moving under his skin while he was scratching the back of his neck.

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