Chapter 91 : Happy Birthday pt. 1

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I've never seen Teba that furious against someone. And I admitted, I was furious too when Link explained me what happened during that night.

Bozai and Tauma were partying at Gesane's dorms, and, instead of going to her soro, they thought it would be easier for them to come here. But they were completely drunk so it took him a long time to unlock the main door, and as soon as they came inside the living-room, they both started to kiss, and more. That's why we heard one of our glasses falling on the floor and, what I thought it was a sofa that fell, was just the sound of her body pressed against one of the walls. And of course, the loud scream we heard was her, terrorized when she saw three men aiming a hammer, a bow and two fists at them, but also because they surprised her and Bozai during their intimate moment.

The next morning, they were extremely uncomfortable around us, apologizing over and over if they scared us. I truly wanted to tell them what happened to Saki and her son, but I knew that was Teba's role, not mine.

I tried to talk to them, I tried to pretend scaring us in the middle of the night didn't matter, but it was so hard for me. I meant, Saki was at the hospital, struggling to stay alive with her son while they were eating their cereals, not knowing how serious the consequences of their actions were. She tried to laugh with me, she tried to cosy up to me even if I didn't want to. And seeing her blushing and arranging her hair when Link came to our table bothered me a lot.

But I said nothing. And my silence was worst than everything for them.

Well, maybe not worst than Teba's screams against Bozai as soon as he came back from the hospital.

Tauma didn't know what to do with her face, in one hand she tried to defend her boyfriend, but in the other, Teba's anger was completely reasonable – and scary, to be honest. The mother of his son was at the hospital, getting many drugs through her veins to make the contractions stop, recieving a transfusion because she bled too much, and too many painkillers and anxiolytics that clouded her mind, avoiding her to fear for her future.

But she was safe, and their son was still growing inside her. We saw her coming back at the dorms on tuesday, tired and still weak, but home.

The doctors said she had to stay confined to her bed because of her threatened preterm labor, and she should try to avoid every kind of stress at home. Which meant, she couldn't move on her own, stayed in her room and, the few times she came out of bed, Teba was carrying her.

I saw how much it affected her, how sad she was. She was a strong and independent woman who was used to work a lot, and seeing her completely dependant, constantly asking for help or not able to earn money for her family drepressed her a lot. So we all did everything we could to cheer her up, to help her through that ordeal, even Bozai.

She wasn't mad at him, unlike Teba, because she knew he didn't mean to do her harm.

That was one of her greatest qualities : her infinite kindness, forgiving the ones who could've hurt her if they didn't mean to. But it didn't mean she could forgive everyone blindly neither. Because we all knew she would've never forgiven him if she'd lost her son.


« Are they serious ? », I exclaimed, as soon as I turned my phone on.

« Wow ! Hello Princess. Happy birthday ! », he exclaimed, kissing me softly right before I thanked him. « What's happening ? »

« You'll never believe it. », I mumbled, clearing my throat. « 'Zelda Bosphoramus, the daughter of the well-known Rhoam Bosphoramus, Bosphoramus Industries' CEO, turns eighteen today. Hurry up boys, don't waste your time if you want to court her, a little bird told me some guys were already turning around her, such as that beautiful lad. If you wait too long, someone else will enjoy her fortune !' with a picture of me and Laparoh when we were dancing during the Gala. »

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