Chapter 60 : But your Zelda isn't yours anymore

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Link's POV.

She left me. She closed the door behind her, not even looking at me one last time, and I knew she wasn't able to.

I made her cry, I completely broke her heart because of my shitty behavior, because I hadn't been honest with Paya, because I didn't stopped her, because I lied to Zelda. But I didn't know what to do at this moment. I was completely taken aback by Paya and I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd just done with her, feeling extremely guilty and sad.

That's why I wanted to see my Zelda before the end of the contest, to see her, to act like nothing happened. Because everytime I saw her I felt at ease, I felt at home, I felt like all my problems vanished away. I didn't know if Paya told her what we did together, but when I saw her smile, I just wanted to hold her in my arms, to feel her lips on mine, to feel her love for me, because I knew it would be the last time we could share a moment like that together before I had to tell her this secret.

But Paya did it for me. I didn't know it would've changed something, but I truly wanted to tell her in our room, a place we both knew, a place we both felt at ease, a place we shared too many good moments.

I leaned against the wall, at the exact same place she was sitting earlier and sheded too many tears thinking about everything we've been through. About everything we've done together, about the fact that I truly love her and that maybe I will never see her beautiful smile again, that I will never feel her in my arms when I fall asleep, that I will never feel her lips on mine anymore. She walked away, telling me she needed time but we didn't properly break up.

Maybe because we weren't properly a couple neither.

I should have asked her out. I truly should have told her how deeply I was in love with her, that she was the oxygen I desperately needed my whole life, that she was my everything.

Just as always you lose your chance with the girl you loved. Congrats man, in the 'I'm a fucking cunt' category you should have won the golden medal.

I had to get her back.

I can't lose her now. Not because of that, not because of Paya, not because of my shitty behaviour, but, deep inside me I knew our story couldn't end that prematurely. We had too many things to do together, too many things to see, to many things to live.

So I stood up and went to the dorms, assuming she would be there, maybe putting her clothes in her suitcase or talking to Saki. If she was there, I could try to regain her confidence, to make her fall in love with me again. And I swear to Hylia that I won't mess up with her this time.

The sun was slowly setting and the snow started to fall. The cold air made me shiver a bit and I immediately thought of her, about that night when I found her under the pouring rain completely frozen and soaked. She was so scared and desperate, telling me her father chased her from his house, and, when she arrived at the dorms, she revealed me everything.

The way he touched her, the way he kissed her, the way he nearly killed her and I felt so helpless at this moment, knowing she was living a living-nightmare. So I did the only I could do : supporting her, showing her that I was there for her, that I believed her when everyone was against her, spreading bad rumors and insulting her.

It was the first night she spent in our room, the first of a long list, and I don't think I could sleep without her next to me, feeling her breath on my neck, feeling her body in my arms, seeing her light smile every morning when I kissed her before I went to my training. Even consoling her during her nightmares, the only place I couldn't defend her against the too many monsters she met in her life, against the too many bad experiences she lived.

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