Chapter 30 : It wasn't a girl

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I spent my saturday morning at home, sleeping a bit more than usual. Yesterday's evening wasn't that bad after all but all those empty conversations and fake smiles tired me out. The only moment I really had fun was with Laparoh when we were next to the pond, gossiping and dancing.

I blushed when I thought about that moment. A part of me was happy, because, I admitted, he was nice, but... The other part – the biggest one – was ashamed. I couldn't help feeling like I betrayed Link during this dance. We were dating for few days and I'd already danced with another man. That wasn't a good behavior. That wasn't something I was comfortable with. That wasn't me.

And the worst part of it was that he had posted that picture on internet. Where everyone could see it. Especially him.

Maybe I should tell him ? Nothing happened between Laparoh and I, and he understood that I was way too young for him.

I grabbed my phone, and saw a message : 'Hey ! Sorry I fell asleep', followed by 'I'm sure it wasn't that bad, after all'.

I smiled at my phone, and quickly answered 'Happily you didn't wait for me to fall asleep ! Well, that wasn't really funny neither...'

Should I tell him ? Maybe he will undertsand that we were only dancing and I wasn't interested in Laparoh ?

Or maybe he won't understand at all. Maybe he will get mad at me ? Maybe he will consider it as cheating ? I meant, I would've been so heartache if I knew he'd danced with another girl...

I typed many texts, and found them stupid and irrelevant. My fingers were typing on the digital keyboard, but I erased the letters as soon as they appeared on my screen. Everything was bad, bad written, and, after one last text, I finally locked my phone and sighed in despair.

Maybe that's something I should tell him face to face.

I heard someone knocking on my door. I sat at my desk, opened a book, thinking it should be Father. Even if he told me yesterday that I could have some rest today, I wanted to show him I was hard working, that I deserved to double major and all of his assumptions were wrong.

« Come in ! », I loudly said.

« Good morning Zelda. I hope you slept well. »

« Yes, thanks. What about you ? »

« Pretty well. », he smiled at me. « I wanted to thank you again for yesterday night. I had a little talk with Mr. Mesa and he really liked you, just as his son. »

Oh damn.

« Laparoh is a nice boy. In law-school, well spoken, extremely polite and relevant. »

No. No, no, no, no, no.

« He will be a good lawyer in the future. », he said, looking at me in the eyes. « Don't you think ? »

I already know what he was thinking about. « You see Zelda, it's extermely important to be surronded by the right people. And a lawyer is very useful in this kind of business. »

« Yes, he is very nice. », I hesitantly said.

« They both liked your mindset, the way you see the world and the future. », he explained. « Mr. Mesa really wants to sell me his propriety, and maybe another one. And more than this, he wants your opinion on it. »

« Oh. Alright. », I said, feeling relieved. « I mean, if it can help you in your business. »

« That's yours too, Zelda. », he said, and I discreetly sighed. « You'll be its next CEO sooner than you think. »

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