Chapter 25 : Tournament

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I arrived home around 8:45PM and Father was waiting for me in the living room, probably verifying that I was following his rules.

« Good evening dear, how was school ? », he started.

« Good evening Father. », I said, giving my jacket to a maid. « Great, I was working at the library. And you ? »

« Fine. Big transaction incoming. Another thing you'll have to learn before heading BI. »

BI, BI, always BI.

« I already ate. », he continued. « I didn't know when you were about to come home. »

As if I could come home after 9PM.

« You could've texted me. », I mumbled.

« Don't mumble, it's rude. », he automatically scolded me. « What did you day ? »

« I said : you could've texted me. », I repeated louder.

« I didn't want to disturb you. »

Always a good excuse. But if I dared forgetting to send you a text, then it would be the end of the world, isn't it ?

I was eating alone in the dining room, chatting with Impa. She told me how yesterday's party was incredible, better than last week, and –maybe – that she drank too much, again.

« I was thinking ! It's been a while since our last pyjama party. Do you think you could spend one night at the dorm ? The girls are very nice, I'm sure they won't mind it. », she said, overexcited.

« I miss it so much ! I would love to, but it will depend on Father », I answered, whispering the last word.

« Do you think you can ask him ? For saturday night ? »

« I'll try, he seems in a oddly good mood. »

I went back to the living room, Father was still reading his book. He tilted his head when he saw me approaching, even before I could say a word.

« Father ? »,I shyly started.

« Yes ? », he answered, folding his journal.

« I was wondering... It's been a while since I didn't spend a night with Impa and... do you allow me to spend a night with her at her dorm ? »

« There will be a party ? »

« No, I wanted to go there on saturday, after my day at the library. », I shrugged.

« There will be other people with you ? »

« Maybe her roomates, Paya and Mipha. »

« No boys and no alcohol ? »

« No, just four girls during a girls night doing girls things. »

He took a minute to consider it, and I felt nervous about it. I was ready to watch my dreams shattered, but he agreed.

« One condition. »

« Yes ? »

« We lunch together on sunday. », he finally said, while I nodded.

I was so happy. I was going to spend a night with my best friend, as it was ! But it was nothing compared with her hapiness. She literally screamed in joy, and we spend the rest of the evening planning on what we'lldo that night.

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